Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

I Actually Care

It's been a whole week since I have talked to Chase, actually to anyone. I kind of isolated myself in the music room. I know I broke up with him, but I thought that this would be my real relationship. I'm pretty sure that Bella and Chase are together by now. Yes I am over reacting with all this shit, but this is just who I am.

I was kind of half playing the guitar and half thinking about all this stupid crap that has happened this summer. Mia came in and sat next to me. "Bella is here to talk to you." She said in a whisper and I gave her a weird look. I got up and went down the stairs and she was waiting by the front door. So I took her outside just incase things get messy.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely.

"I want to know what the hell you did to Chase." She said and I gave her a strange look.

"I thought you would be happy that I broke up with him." she shook her head.

"No shit sherlock, but he is so upset that he doesn't even want to talk to me because he said it was my fault you two broke up." She explained and I put a smile on my face.

"So your saying he still likes me?" Maybe Chase was different.

"Unfortunately yes. So get back together with him, so I can steal him away from you." I don't know if she was being sarcastic or not.

"Wait, you are still going to go after him?" Why did I question that because I knew the answer was yes.

"Yeah. You two get back together, I will tell him I got you two back together. He will talk to me and trust me. Then you will do something that he won't like and he will get mad, so he will do something you would hate, which is going out with me." She just basically gave me her whole plan.

"You just gave me you plan." I said confused.

"I warned you. So if something bad happens to you then you should have expected it." She said in an evil tone. Then she smiled, hugged me, and left.

I didn't care about her because Chase did actually care for me. I grabbed my keys and quickly drove over to Chase's house, but he wasn't there, so I drove to Big Al's and the whole group was there except for Mia. I pulled up a chair and sat at the end of the table. "Told you she was alive. That would be $20 bucks." Chelsea said holding out her hand, so I guess Dick could give her twenty bucks.

"You thought I was dead?" I asked Dick and he just shrugged. "Anyways can I talk to you Chase?" I asked hoping he said yes and he got out of his seat. He started to walk out of the restaurant, so I followed him. "CHASE STOP!" I yelled and he turned to face me.

"What?" He asked annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I was stupid and should have never broken up with you. I was just being a jealous bitch. So I am hoping that with the kindness of your heart you would give us a second chance?" I begged.

"I don't give people second chances. That's why I am not with Bella. She broke up with me when she was moving and she told me if were still single when she comes back we could get back together. Then I said 'we don't have to end it we can try a long distance relationship' she didn't trust me. I don't like people who don't trust me because I am a trustworthy man. You did not trust me." I don't know why, but those words were harsh for me.

"Okay I understand." I said and began to walk away.

"That's it, your not going to fight?" He asked and I was shocked by that.

"Why should i fight for something that I probably won't win. Now that I think of it even if i got back with you Bella would be a bitch and find away to break us up again. That is not jealousy that is the hard core truth she told me that. So maybe it was best we broke up." Everything I just said kind of hurt to say. I just wasted my time. I feel like an idiot. I walked away with tears falling down my face and I have never cried over a stupid boy.

The rest of summer I think I will isolate myself in the music room. Because if I don't talk to anyone or do anything then no one can hurt me. I wouldn't have to deal with drama and stupid shit like that till school comes again.

I knew Chase was not one of those stupid boys i have been with and wish I never have been. I actually cried over something really stupid. When a guy makes me cry I either care for them or in love with them. I think this one is more of the caring part because you don't fall in love with someone you have only known for a month. Movies and books make you believe thats how love works, but they just lie.