Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

The asshole

This summer has turned into a disaster. Why did I ever fall for Chase? Why did I ever break up with him? Why am I asking these questions again? Anyways my isolation began, but didn't last that long because Mia and the girls came up and told me I couldn't mope around all day and play music for the rest of my life. I told them I could if I wanted to, then they grabbed me, so were at the beach. Just a regular beach day. Right now were in the ocean just crashing into waves or going for a little swim. "It's such a lovely day to be hanging with the girls and no guys around!" Chelsea said.

"You know what it actually is!" I agreed and then went under so a wave wouldn't crash on me.

"We spend way too much time with those losers." Alex said and we all laughed.

"Let's go get some ice cream!" Kyra suggested and we all agreed. We got out of the water and threw our clothes over our wet bathing suits and put on our sandals. We went to ben and jerry's and got our ice cream. We sat at the table and well talked and ate our ice cream. "Okay, I think I have been holding this in for to long, so here it goes. Dick and I totally made out on the 4th of July! It's nothing serious, but still its a step closer." She said happily. We all cheered and gave her a high-five.

"How about we hang at the carnival tonight? we haven't been there in awhile." Chelsea suggested and once again we all agreed. Maybe this summer will be fine without Chase.

It was dark and all the rides at the carnival began to light up, so we decided we should probably go to the carnival. We went on several rides and played several games before I saw the one thing that ruined my night. Bella and Chase were on the ferris wheel and it looked like they were holding hands. The laughing among the girls stopped and looked where I was looking. They all looked kind of upset about it too. "I thought I would never see the day Chase Matthews turns into a total asshole." Jenna said and we all looked at her with our mouths wide open because we have never heard her cuss before.

"I thought I would never see the day that Jenna Young would cuss." Kyra said and we all laughed. We decided that we should just forget about it and enjoy the rest of the night and yell at him later.

The night slowly came to an end and I have been able to avoid Chase. Until I bumped into him. Literally bumped into him. When he noticed it was me he quickly let go of Bella's hand and I just shook my head. "You don't give second chances?" I questioned.

"Well you see..." I didn't want to hear his crap.

"If you just wanted to be with Bella then you could have said so." I said with confidence and he put his head down.

"Sky, can I just say..." I hated him so much.

"Sorry I only let friends call me Sky and there is no need for explaining yourself because I don't give a crap. Jenna can you kindly say what you said earlier?" I asked and Jenna gladly stepped forward.

"I thought I would never see the day Chase Matthews turns into an asshole." She smiled at him and we walked away. I felt so much better. I hated Chase now and those feelings probably won't go away. Why do I feel so proud of myself? I don't care because I love this feeling!
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sorry the chapters are getting shorter.