Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

Let's Just Be Friends

It was a starry Wednesday night. I couldn't sleep so I went on my balcony to look at all the beautiful stars. I looked at the full moon's reflection on the ocean. It would probably look prettier if I was on the beach, so of course I go to the beach. I sit down on one of the lifeguard towers and just look at the beautiful ocean. Listen to the calming sound of the waves. Someone came and sat next to me I thought it was Mia, but it was Chris. For some odd reason I didn't feel like running I just asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Well when I get kicked out of the house I usually sleep in here and since your here I want to apologize for the other day." He said and I laughed a little.

"Wow apologizing doesn't seem like your scene." I said and he laughed.

"I am really not that bad of a guy." It was hard to believe that with what happened the other day.

"No offense, but that's kind of really hard to believe."

"Well it's like this. Whenever I see Kelsey with someone else I go crazy. I start hurting the girl I'm with and act like an ass. I can't control it because I get so mad when I see Kelsey with someone else. I love her and I know she still loves me to. It's just the things I do stop her from getting back with me. Every now and then she will forget we broke up and she will also forget the bad things I do and she hold my hand. Then she will remember and walk away." Chris explained which made me think of Chase holding Bella's hand and then I quickly removed the image from my head.

"If you too love each other so much then how did you two break up?" I asked because oddly enough I was interested in it.

"Well I was kind of known as the bad boy at school. But if you were ever to really get to know me I wasn't a bad guy. Anyways Kelsey had this guy friend and he would always hang out with her and I got so jealous I just went crazy. I started beating up this kid and Kelsey began to cry and thats when I stopped. I was expelled and everybody spread the rumor saying that I dropped out of high school to join a gang. It's not true I go to school outside of venice where my mom lives and live with my dad in the summer."

"Why do you tell people that you do go to school and you aren't in any gang?" Isn't it that simple?

"Now who would believe me?" I shrugged and it was silent for awhile. I think we were both thinking. He was probably thinking about Kelsey and how he let her slip right through his fingers because of one stupid mistake. I was thinking about Chase and him holding Bella's hand. Maybe he didn't even realize he was holding her hand.

"Do you know Chase?" Of course he knew Chase that was something stupid to ask.

"Yeah who doesn't know Chase?" I laughed and he smiled.

"How would you describe him?" I asked and I don't know why.

"A nice and loyal friend." He smiled. Everybody says that about him, but it's hard to disagree.

"Just what everybody else would say." I rolled my eyes and pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

"You know everybody makes mistakes. Chase didn't make that big of a mistake. If you still like him you should probably talk to him. Forgetting about him or running away from your problems will just make things worst. You should at least try to be friends with it. Even though I think you two make a great couple." I didn't know that Chris knew about us, but Still he put a smile on my face. I got up and walked down the lifeguard towel. "Where you going?" Chris asked.

"To talk to Chase!" I said with enthusiasm and a huge smile on my face.

"But it's like two in the morning." He yelled out, but I ignored it. If Chase wasn't awake then I would wake him up. He's snook into my house once, so that gives me a right to sneak into his at least once.

There was no need to sneak in because he was on the beach with some girl who I figured was Bella. I rolled my eyes, but I wasn't going to let her ruin things this time. I took a step and I heard Bella say, "So what do you need to tell me?" and I stopped to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Your a bitch." I heard Chase say and I couldn't help, but laugh. "I have tried so hard to change your ways because you have so much potential, but you just won't. So I give up. You make me sick. First trying to break me and Skylar up even though it worked, you had no right to do that. If you think I would get back together with the person that broke me and her up?"

"Well I was hoping you wouldn't find out that it was me that broke you two up." She smiled sweetly like she was innocent.

"It was a little obvious. So I just wanted..." He stopped because he probably heard me trip over a stupid rock. He ran over to me laughing while Bella looked angry. "Are you okay?" He asked still laughing.

"I'm fine." Was all I could say as he helped me up.

"What are you doing here it's like 2 in the morning?" He asked and Bella rolled her eyes.

"You are calling me the bitch. She came over here to interrupt whatever the hell you were saying. She is the one that broke up with you and to be honest I barely did a thing. Jealousy got to her and she didn't trust you, now she is what you call..." I was pissed and I wanted her to shut up, so I punched her. Chase laughed.

"So why are you here?" He asked again.

"For one sorry I punched her, for two I did not mean to interrupt you, and for three I want to get back together." I let it out quickly before I stopped myself.

"Why?" Was all he said after that.

"Even though you messed up and hurt me and many people would say I'm stupid, but I just l..." He stopped me which sucked because the next part was probably the part he would want to here.

"There you go again blaming me. I did nothing. Your the one that broke up with me because you were jealous. Your the one who didn't want to fight for a second chance..." I cut him off.

"Well your the one who didn't come chasing after me once I left and gave Bella a second chance." I yelled at him.

"I couldn't chase after you because you would just say I was wasting my time and I should be with Bella. I never gave Bella a second chance she saw you and grabbed my hand and i quickly let go which happened to be right when you stopped in front of us. If you don't know the whole story then don't accuse people. It doesn't matter anyways because I thought we were over?" He said in a nasty tone. Bella sat up and just stayed where she was.

"Well this is me fighting for my second chance." I said hesitantly.

"Don't you get it were not meant to be. You can't trust me and I can't trust you. I should have never gotten with you in the first place." He said and my eyes began to water up. I didn't know how to change his mind so I kissed him, but he pushed me away and said, "Let's just be friends."
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sorry it has been awhile but i have been busy.