Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

The Truth

I was at Alex's house waiting for the guys to show up. Her house was big of course because it was a beach house. She had pictures everywhere and they weren't all of Alex or her parents. Most of them were pictures of scenery and really good ones. "My mom is a professional photographer." Alex said putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

"These photos are amazing." I said looking at a picture of I think Alex when she was younger. Her brown eyes popped out and she was dressed in all black with a very colorful background. It may not sound as great as it looks.

"I know right? Anyways how do you like it in California?" She asked as the microwave beeped to let us know the popcorn was done.

"It's getting better." I thought I would have to spend all summer by myself because of Mia.

"Why did it suck before?" Alex starting pouring the popcorn into a bowl.

"Mia hates me for some odd reason." Alex looked a little shocked when I said that.

"Really she couldn't stop talking about you for the last month of school. She was so excited and it got very annoying." That time I had the confused look on my face.

"Let's watch some movies." Dick said. Him and Chase just walked into the house without a knock or ringing of the doorbell. Dick went to sit on the big couch and Chase sat on the love seat.

I sat next to Dick on the white leather couch. It was a lot more comfortable then I thought it would be. Alex set down three movie choices, The Notebook, 500 Days of Summer, and Titanic. I wasn't a big fan of romances. I like Romantic comedies, but not as much as I would like action or horror movies.

"These are our choices?" Dick questioned and then grabbed two DVDs that he brought " now these are movies." They were The Dark Night and Kick Ass.

"Well it's my house, so I get to choose." Alex said with a smile on her face.

"You always get to choose, it's my turn to choose." Dick argued.

"I think we should let the new girl choose." Chase said and for a second I forgot he was here because he was so quiet.

"That's a great idea!" Alex knew I would probably choose on of her choices.

"That's a stupid idea." Dick was thinking the same thing as Alex was.

"Okay since I get to choose I think I will go with Kick Ass." I said picking it up because I love that movie especially the little girl.

"Chase I will never doubt you again." Dick said grabbing the movie out of my hand and putting it in.

"Why did you choose that movie?" Alex asked

"I've never seen it before." I lied because I didn't want them to think I was some freak who didn't like Chick flicks or preferred action movies over romantic comedies.

The movie was almost over and Dick and Chase have not shut up the whole movie and it was super annoying, but I didn't want to be rude to them. Then my favorite part where Kick Ass is about to shoot the black dude with the Bazooka gun. "Shut the hell up you two I love this part." Then Alex immediately looked at me and then I realized what I said. Chase and Dick began laughing, but not because of what I said, but because of the movie.

"I thought you never saw this movie." Alex said after the movie ended.

"I just didn't want to watch the other movies." I confessed.

"Wow you made the new girl lie to you." Dick said throwing a piece of popcorn at Alex.

"You should have not done that." She threw one back and before you knew it we were having a popcorn war.

Once the war was over all four of us were laying on the floor with a bunch of popcorn around us. There was probably a bunch of popcorn in my hair that I don't know about too. Alex sat up straight looking at all the popcorn and then she began to laugh. Then I followed exactly what she did and same with Dick and Chase. "Shit dude we need to go." Chase said making all of us stop laughing.

"I'm sure Jimmy and Tony won't mind if were late, i mean it's just a practice game." Dick said and I was assuming they were talking about volleyball.

"Dude let's go." Chase got all the way up and so did Dick.

"We have to help clean up," Dick grabbed a piece of popcorn and threw it into one of the bowls, "okay that should do, now let's go beat the crap out of Jimmy and Tony." They both left leaving Alex and I to do the clean up.

After we finally got all the popcorn cleaned up we sat back down on the couch like we were exhausted, but we both realized that the movies were on top of the TV, so Alex just shrugged and said, "Well I guess one movie will do it." I laughed.

"Maybe I should go home before Mia finds out I'm here." I said and Alex nodded and then I asked, "Why wasn't Mia here?"

"She usually hangs out with the soccer girls on Sundays." Alex said. I would have never guessed that Mia played soccer or any kind of sport.

I ended up staying for an hour later just talking with Alex. I found out her favorite color is Orange. Mia has a crush on Dick. Dick is a player and Chase has only had one girlfriend who he still loves. Alex's boyfriend is Tony and his best friend is Jimmy. Jimmy is having a party tonight and she invited me, but kindly rejected it.

When I got home nobody was there, so I did what I usually did when I was home alone. I found a radio or stereo and turned it up really loud. I danced around and sang in a really bad voice to every song I knew. Until the whole family pretty much all came back at the same time and it was all really awkward. I guess they came back from a family picnic on the beach. Except for Mia who was probably with the soccer girls.

Daisy change the station to radio disney and she grabbed my hands and started dancing with me and before I knew it everyone joined in. I guess it was just one of those days where everyone didn't care and just wanted to have some fun.

Our fun was ruined by the slam of the front door when Mia walked in. She went to the radio and turned off the music. I was guessing she wasn't in a good mood. I felt like she would get meaner every single day and it kind of confused me.

At 8 o'clock I was sitting on the couch watching TV by myself. I was watching some stupid show I never heard of, but nothing good was on. Mia came out her room and yelled to her dad, "Dad I am going to Alex's for the night." and you could here Michael say 'have fun' from upstairs.

"You are not going out dressed like that young lady." I said like I was her mother or something. She was wearing a really short jean mini skirt with a shirt that showed her belly button, so you could see her piercing.

"What are you my mother?" She said in an annoyed voice.

"No, but I do know that your going to Jimmy's party and not Alex's house." I smiled

"How the hell do you know that?" She grabbed her car keys.

"Alex invited me when I went to her house today." She began to turn red in anger, but rolled her eyes and slammed the door on her way out.

I went into Matt's room, where I founding him playing some stupid video game. He looked at me then looked back at the TV screen. His room was a mess and smelled really bad that my eyes began to tear up. "I hear that you are the one that Mia tells all her secrets too in the family." I said and he paused his game.

"I don't tell her secrets." He said in a serious voice.

"How about for $20?" I held out a twenty dollar bill and he grabbed it.

"Now what is it that you need to know?" He asked.

"Why does she hate me so much?" I moved a shirt from his desk chair and sat down on it.

"She doesn't hate you its just that our Mom always visits sometime in June and she really hates our Mom. So she takes it out on someone else, like last year it was Mary and the year before it was Alex. They didn't talk for a whole month." Finally the truth.

"Thank you." I basically skipped out of his room, closed his door and I could hear him begin his video games again. I knew that she couldn't hate me. Nobody I have ever met hated me. Wow that makes me sound conceited, well I actually am very conceited.
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