Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

I'm So Stupid

When I woke up the next morning I knew that it was going to be a great day. I came downstairs with a smile on my face and Mia gave me a glare. My mom decided to make a big breakfast this morning with eggs, french toast, bacon, hash browns, and sausage. I sat where I usually sit and this time Matt was actually up and eating with us. All the younger ones already ate. "Why are you smiling?" Mia said with a rude tone.

"Let's just enjoy breakfast and I will tell you later." I said grabbing two pieces of french toast. Then I grabbed a bit of everything else. Mia never let her eyes leave me. It was a bit weird, but I tried to ignore it.

After we were both done with breakfast I took Mia too her really girlie room. Pink and purple everywhere. I never seen a room so girlie ever before. I sat her down on her king size bed and closed the door. I could tell by the look on her face she did not like this one bit. "So I found out a couple of things." I said and Mia's eyes went big. Then she relaxed her face.

"And what are those things?" She asked and I think she thought they probably weren't that big of a deal with the smirk she had on her face.

"I found out why you are being rude to me and that you have a crush on Dick." I smiled and her smirk went away.

"Who told you?" She asked furiously.

"Matt told me why you were rude to me and Alex told me you had a crush on Dick." Now maybe I should have not told her Alex told me she had a crush on Dick.

"That backstabbing bitch." She said with her hands clenched into fists, but she relaxed after a couple of minutes. "You can't tell anyone." She demanded.

"I won't tell anyone if you give me a chance and stop being rude to me." She sighed, but then nodded. Then she got up and left her room. She came back in and kept the door open meaning that I had to leave.

About 15 minutes later I heard a scream from Mia's room and my mom, Matt, Michael, Tanya and me went rushing to her room. She was laying across her bed with her head hanging of and her cell phone in her right hand. "Mom is coming in two days." She sat up and told everyone why she screamed. Mia didn't like her mom because her mom expected to much from her and wanted her to be a singer just like her mom.

My mom and Michael told us to leave, so they could talk to Mia alone. We left and shut the door, but I stayed to listen to what they were saying. "Mia, sweetie I need to tell you something about your mom." Michael said in such a calm tone.

"What?" Mia said rudely, but she was in a bad mood, so she had an excuse.

"Maybe we should let her mother tell her the news instead of us." My mom said and then they were opened the door and I fell a little, but kept my balance. Michael and my mom walked right pass me like I wasn't even there.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Mia asked, but didn't looked so shocked or mad.

"Yes, I was and I am sorry. I'll just go." I said and began to walk away.

"Wait," Mia said peeking her head out of her room, "I think its unfair they won't tell me and I need a friend right now. Alex is at her cousin 7th birthday party, Dick is probably with some chick, and Chase is probably working." I was surprised she asking for me to comfort her.

Before I knew it, Mia was telling me every little detail about her mom and how much she hates her. I found out that her mom tried to get custody of Daisy, but none of the other children. How her mom didn't even say goodbye and just left in the middle of the night leaving a note. She told me that the note said that her mom was leaving because the family was holding her back from her music career.

"Let's go to Big Al's Burgers because I am starving." Mia said and got off her bed. I followed her and we were off to go eat.

"Why are we eating here?" I asked because I thought Mia was a vegetarian for some odd reason.

"Chase works there, which means that Dick will probably be there." She turned and smiled at me.

"I thought you were a vegetarian." I said and she gave me a weird look.

"Hell no I love meat." It was a 5 minute drive, so we were already there. She parked in the first parking space which was closest to the door. Big Al's Burgers was like and In-n-Out.

Dick was there with some chick like Mia said before. Mia rolled her eyes, but kept the smile on her face. She was good at hiding who she liked. We sat across from them and the girl Dick was making out with gave Dick a weird look. "These are my friends who are moving to another table." He lifted his eyebrows and motioned his head to the left telling us to leave.

"Whatever you say Dick." We got up and order our food and then sat on the opposite side of the restaurant. Chase came and joined us after he finished his shift.

"Do you know who that is?" Chase asked us pointing to Dick's girl who was making out with him at the moment.

"No, but nobody ever does." Mia said rolling her eyes.

"Someone is jealous." Chase said laughing and Mia punched him whiling telling him to shut up. I was half paying attention to the conversation. I was staring at this girl who was trying to escape from this guy who looked drunk and was trying to make out with her. I got up because no one else noticed it, but me so I had to put a stop to it.

I walked out of the restaurant and I don't even think Chase and Mia saw me leave. The girl was crying and they was forcing her to kiss him. I didn't know what to do so I hit him. He stopped kissing her, but was still holding on to her. "Excuse me what is your problem." He was scary looking. He was buff, tons of tattoos, and 6'5.

"Leave her alone." Was all I could say or do. He let go of her, but grabbed on to me.

"Are you telling me what to do?" He asked as the girl ran away.

"Well it worked." You could here the shakiness in my voice. He didn't like that I said that one bit.

"She was perfectly fine." He said and threw me to the ground. He picked me up and said, "What are you scared now?" I gulped and got lose from his grip and began to run, but he caught up with me again and pulled me into his chest. "I know you just want me." He said and leaned in for a kiss, but instead I punched his lips. He let go of me and I turned around to run again, but was stopped by two large boys just like him.

"You know you will pay fr what you did." One of them said in a really deep voice. How did I get into this mess? Why did I get into this mess?

"Hey, Chris pick on someone your own size." I looked over to see who said that and it was Chase. I also realized that a crowd formed.

"You better not be referring to yourself cuz I can beat the crap out of you." Chris said, but Chase didn't say anything back. The three of them walked closer to Chase, who didn't even flinch. One of them was holding on to my arm and I was struggling to break free.

"This is why I broke up with you, because your a mean person." The girl that Dick was making out with said. Then the guy holding me threw me at Chase and he caught me. All three of them left.

"Wow new girl you could have gotten yourself killed." Chase said still holding onto me, but then let go of me.

"Why did you do that anyways?" Dick's chick asked.

"He was hurting another girl and well I wanted him to stop, and he did, but then he started picking on me." I explained, "Who was that anyways and why did he just leave." I asked.

"Those are the high school drop outs. They dropped out to join some gang and they try to hook up with girls by hurting them and forcing them to. But Chris is still in love with Kelsey," Dick said pointing to his date, "so whenever she insults him, he stops what he was doing and leaves."

When Mia took me home she grabbed my arm and quickly ran to her room. She shut the door and she had a creepy smile on her face. I sat down on the bed prepared for whatever she was going to say. "Chase totally likes you!!" She said over excited and I was confused.

"No he doesn't." I have barely known Chase and we only talked like once.

"Did you see how long he held on to you?" She asked and I thought about it, but that meant nothing.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I don't really have any interest in Chase. He was cute, but I didn't know him very well and I don't think he likes me at all.
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