Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

A Full Moon

Around midnight I was waken up by Mia. I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes. Mia threw a pair of jeans and a shirt at me. I didn't get what was going on, but I got out of bed and put the clothes on. I quickly brushed through my knotty hair and Mia pulled me out of the house and we began walking towards the beach. "What are we doing?" I asked in a whisper for some odd reason.

"Going to the beach silly." She laughed a little and I rolled my eyes because that is not what I meant.

"That is not want I meant." I said followed by a yawn.

"You have to see this beach at night time. It is gorgeous especially when there is a full moon." Mia explained and I looked up and there was a full moon tonight.

When we got down to the water I was amazed by the full moons reflection in the ocean. I wanted to swim out there just to be in the middle of it, but of course it was freezing and it was way too far out. "Skylar, Mia!" I heard a voice say and I turned around. It was Dick. When I was going to walk up, but I tripped over a buried rock. Dick and Mia both started cracking up.

"Damn this is the second time I have seen you fall, you're so clumsy." Dick said still laughing.

"I am not clumsy." I argued.

"Either your clumsy or you have a crush on me and get nervous when I'm around and trip." He said with a smile on his face.

"Fine I'm clumsy." I laughed a little as Dick helped me off the ground.

"Darn I was kind of hoping it was the other reason." He winked at me and I looked at Mia who had a angry look on her face.

"Anyways what are you doing here?" I asked and quickly changed the subject.

"Everytime there is a full moon Chase and I go for a midnight swim." He smiled and took off his shirt, but I didn't see Chase anywhere. All of the sudden I got pushed down by someone and Dick began laughing. Of course it was Chase.

"Hey new girl you going to join us?" Chase asked, but I didn't have my swimsuit on. When Mia jump in and joined them in her underwear I felt like I would have to join them, so I did.

"First time swimming in underwear?" Mia asked

"Yeah." I said quietly feeling a little ashamed, but I don't know why. We messed around for about an hour and then we went back home.

I hoped that Dick was joking about what he said because I just got Mia to like me and I don't want her to start hating me again. I honestly don't want any drama of any sort. I couldn't really fall asleep.

I fell asleep at 3 and was woken by the doorbell at 10. I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep, but it kept ringing. Since no one was getting the door, I walked downstairs in my pjs and with my messy hair. I opened the door and yawned. I was definitely not attractive at the moment.

"Hello I am Leana More international popstar." Some lady with a model's body said. Then I thought about it for a second and realized it was their mom.

"Oh, come in. International popstar? I have never heard of you." I didn't mean to say it out loud. She threw her coat at me and I caught it and hung it on one of the hooks on the doors left.

"Well you will." She said with a smile looking around for someone. "Where is everyone?" she asked.

"Well you aren't suppose to be here till tomorrow, so they all had plans I'm guessing."

"Well call them and tell them I'm here and then get yourself cleaned up." She said rudely and I rolled my eyes and called my mom. They said they went for a morning jog.

Mia returned with Chase for some odd reason, but I was pretty sure she wasn't expecting her momto be there. Then the rest of the family came home in their jogging suits. They all welcomed her and hugged her. Then they got cleaned up along with me and then we had an early lunch that my mom made. I just found it odd that Chase was still there.

At first it started out as a lovely lunch, but it turned into chaos. Everybody was yelling at each other and throwing food. I looked at Chase who was sitting across from me. I signaled for us to leave, so we did. We met up with Dick at Big Al's. "Why were you there?" I asked Chase.

"I don't know. Mia just told me to stay." He explained.

"I think Mia hates me." Dick said randomly and I beganlaughing, but when Chase didn't do the same I realized that he didn't know that Mia liked him. I cleared my voice and stopped laughing before things got awkward.

"Why do you think that?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"I think it's cuz she wasn't talking to him last night." Chase said and Dick nodded. I wanted to tell them, but Mia would kill me and I am too young to die. The rest of my day with Dick and Chase was great, but I kept wondering what it was like back at home. I didn't want to know though I was happy where I was.
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