Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt


It was getting dark and it was just Chase and I now. We were sitting in a big rock in the ocean. We were just kind of giving each other our life stories. Right now he was talking about his ex-girlfriend. Her name was Isabella, but they called her Bella. He said she had dark brown hair with green eyes. She was about the same height as me. "You ever going to move on?" I asked

"Oh yeah sorry I must be annoying you with all this talk about Bella." He said, but that is not what I meant.

"Are you going to move on from her?" I made the question a little more clear.

"Oh, I am already over her. We broke up 2 years ago and she moved." He didn't sound convincing at all.

"What made her so amazing?" I love to here cute romantic stuff, but he didn't answer me. He stepped down from the rock and the water was up pass his knees. He helped me down like a gentlemen. This guy who was sitting on a blanket with his girlfriend turned on some romantic music and I found it, so cute. Chase grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him and we began dancing together in the ocean. I thought it was weird, but I just went along with it.

"She was amazing because I could do the weirdest things and she would either join me or laugh along with me." He answered my question.

"Oh," We stopped dancing and I took a step away from him, "I should probably go home." He nodded and I gave him a hug goodbye, then left.

When I got home I came in the middle of a fight between Mia and her Mom. "You bitch!" Is all I heard from Mia before she left to her room. She slammed the door pretty hard, so I was guessing she was pretty pissed off. "What the hell are you looking at?" Was all I heard from Leana before she left to go wherever she was staying.

I grabbed a bag of barbeque chips and poured it into a bowl. Then I sat down at the table eating them and just thinking. My mom soon joined me and poured a glass of water and sat down next to me. "Maybe you should check on her." My mom said and I rolled my eyes because I hate drama, but I tossed my bowl in the sink and went into Mia's room. She was ripping a bunch of pictures up. She was mainly ripping out her mom from all of them and it looked like she was crying.

"Are you okay?" I said slowly as I walked over to sit on her bed.

"NO! My mom wants me to have all of us live with her for a year. My senior year. My dad thinks it's a good idea too. I fucking hate her. She is only going to use us for publicity. She going to make up stupid lies and rumors. GOD I HATE THAT BITCH." She let it all out and started crying like crazy.

"I think it would be a new adventure. I mean that is what I am going through now." I was trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, but your here by choice. Your mom isn't using you to get publicity." She said and she stopped crying. "Just get out."

"Don't you want to here about my day?" I asked, but she got up and opened her door signaling for me to get out. My mom was still sitting at the table.

"Any luck?" She asked and I shook my head.


The next day I woke up around noon. I never have slept in that late, but it was summer so what the hell. I came down stairs and Matt was the only one down there probably because he is the only one that really wakes up this late. "Good morning!" He said.

"Good morning." I yawned in the middle of my sentence.

"You want to go windsurfing?" He asked and of course I was in. So I quickly ate a banana and then got ready. We got down to the beach and we got our wind surfboard thingy. I was excited, but I probably will suck at this just like regular surfing.

Around 5 o'clock I decided to quit because I sucked at windsurfing. I changed into my regular clothes and Matt and I got some food. The whole time we were eating Matt was staring at this girl across the room. "Do you like her?" I asked

"Shut up." Was his response.

"Why don't you make a move?" I smiled.

"She is in your grade and I am just a sophomore." He quickly took his eyes off of her and focused on his food.

"Would if I hooked it up?" I didn't know her, but I could get to know her.

"Hell no, she is Dick's biggest challenge. She keeps rejecting him, but Dick won't give up. He would kill me if I got with her." He explained, but I walked over there anyways. I saw Matt leave the restaurant, but I was already there, so I stayed.

"Who are you?" Some girl with a squeaky voice said, but it wasn't the girl Matt liked.

"I am Skylar. I am new to town. I am Mia's soon to be stepsister." I introduced myself.

"I'm Chelsea." A blonde with beautiful blue eyes introduced herself. She was the girl Matt liked and she was gorgeous.

"I'm Kyra." A girl with reddish- brown hair, blue eyes, and dimples introduced herself.

"And I am Jenna." The third one who had straight black hair and brown eyes introduced herself. She was beautiful of course because she was Asian. Many asian girls are beautiful.

"We are going to the beach to play some volleyball with some guys we know, want to come? We need a fourth player." Chelsea asked and I nodded my head. When we got to the beach the four guys were Dick, Chase, Tony and Jimmy.

"Hey look it's the new girl." Chase said and I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same to me.

"You know him?" Kyra asked.

"Of course she does she hangs out with Mia." Chelsea explained for me.

"Since Alex can't play today we are going to have Skylar take her place." Jenna said in her sweet and innocent voice.

"Let the game begin." Dick said. We began and I do play volleyball, but I have never played beach volleyball. It was harder, but I got the hang of it and absolutely loved it. We lost by two points, but that's pretty good for girls vs. boys. "Wow we haven't been that close to winning ever." Jenna said excitedly.

"Do you play volleyball?" Chelsea asked while putting her jewelry back on.

"Yeah, I actually do." I said and Chelsea had a big smile on her face. She was nice, so I invited the three of them to come over and hang out.

When we got home they took off their clothes, they had bathing suits underneath, and jumped into the pool. So I just followed what they did. We just chilled in their till it became dark and cold then we went into the jacuzzi. Mia walked to the kitchen and then looked over to where we were and came outside looking mad. "What is she doing here?" Mia pointed to Chelsea. I looked over at Chelsea.

"Soccer girls hate volleyball girls except for Alex and Mia. It all started when Dick started crushing on me." Chelsea explained and it made perfect sense.

"Are you going to start hanging out with her?" Mia questioned and I looked at all three of them and then nodded. "You know they usually only except volleyball people into their group." I was guessing Mia didn't like this at all.

"Actually I love playing volleyball and I was thinking about going out for the team." I wasn't trying to be mean. It was just the truth, but Mia got mad and walked away. I honestly thought because they had the same friends they were friends, but I guess I was wrong.
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