Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

Cave of Wonders

"They are true bitches." Mia said once Chelsea Kyra, and Jenna left.

"Just because Dick likes Chelsea and not you does not make them bitches." I felt like I had to stand up to them.

"Do you want me to hate you again?" She snarled at me.

"No, but maybe Chelsea won't go out with Dick because she knows you like him. Have you ever thought about that or do you just find the worst in everybody before you understand their point of view?" It sounded a little harsh, but I hated the way she was acting. She sighed while rolling her eyes and went back to her room. I looked at the stairs and Daisy was listening to the whole conversation. When I saw her she came down the stairs.

"Were you two fighting?" Daisy said in her cute little voice.

"I wouldn't call it a fight. It's more like an argument." I said and she hugged my leg and then ran back upstairs. Then I thought that if their mom takes them for a year I will be the only one in the house. I didn't want that because I know by the end of the summer they will grow on me and I will love them.

I went up to my room and turned my ipod on high, so nobody would bother me. Usually when I do this I either fall asleep or get very deep into my thoughts. The one person that kept popping in to my mind and I didn't even notice till he was knocking on my balcony door was Chase. I opened it confused and he pulled me outside. He looked all sweaty, but he worked it. "You want to do something?" He asked.

"Um sure but why did you come up the balcony and why are you sweaty?" I let out a little chuckle.

"I don't want Mia to come along and it took a lot of work to climb up that stupid tree." He explained pointing at the tree. I followed him down the tree, which was complicated to climb down, so it must have been worse climbing up.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we were walking very far down the beach.

"I want it to be a surprise and I promise we will be there soon." He said with a smile and then grabbed my arm and made me run the rest of the way.

We stopped in front of a hole in the cliff. I looked at him puzzled, but he pulled me inside. It was pitch dark and I could barely see anything. He lit a match and lit up a torch with it. Then he lit up several others. When I could finally see I realized that the cave had a little lake in it and there were candles on lily pads in it. The place was huge and gorgeous. "Wow this place is amazing." I said while exploring.

"Nobody knows who build it or why. Dick and I discovered it last year. The only other person I have shown this place to is Bella." He said and I stopped exploring and looked at him. Then a smile came across my face, but I don't know why.

"Then why are you showing me this place?" I asked

"I thought you might like it." He answered after awhile of silence.

"I love it." was the last thing I said for the rest of the night. I don't know why it was so great because we didn't talk at all, but eventually I fell asleep and I think Chase brought me home. I woke up the next morning to the voice of Mia.

"Where the hell were you last night!" She asked excitedly.

"Somewhere." I answered throwing a pillow at her hoping she would go away because I was tired.

"Please you got home around 1 in the morning where were you and with who?" I guess Mia wasn't leaving till I gave her an answer.

"I was out with Chase." I yelled and threw another pillow at her and she finally left. I slept for another hour and when I woke up Mia was outside my door waiting for me to give her details, but I kept quiet because to be honest the details were boring. She followed me around the house asking me questions that I never answered.

I finally went to the music room the one place in the house where Mia will not step a foot into. I shut the door and she was still asking me questions so I plugged my Ipod into its Ihome and turned the volume up loud. Mia left me alone for a good two hours until She came running in telling me about the volleyball tournament. I turned off my Ipod and went to the tournament.

The tournament was filled with a bunch of shirtless volleyball guys. It was like heaven. I missed pretty much the whole tournament except for the championship game. Dick and Chase were playing against these really cute guys whose names were Ryan and Henry. I sort of wanted to cheer for them, but I knew I had to cheer for Dick and Chase. Both the teams were really good. It was hard to tell who was going to win and I loved games like these.

Dick and Chase unfortunately lost, but they tried real hard because the score ended up being 35-33. We all went to hug them and tell them 'good game'. The other team came over to tell them 'good game' too. Then the one with dirty- blonde hair, brown eyes and an amazing body came up to me. "Hey I am Ryan." He said and I could feel myself beginning to blush.

"Hey I am Skylar." I introduced myself. We shook hands.

"Would you like to get something to eat?" He asked and I quickly nodded my head without thinking about it.

We ended up going to Big Al's. He was nice and charming. He told me how he volunteers at a children's hospital. He is hoping to go to Stanford and from what he said he had pretty good grades. The one thing that made him imperfect was the fact that he had a girlfriend. It got even worse when he asked me if it was okay if he had a girlfriend and we go out. I shook my head and left to go home.

I was never good with choosing guys. My first boyfriend only with out with me to get free food from my mom, but that was 5th grade. My second boyfriend acted like he didn't care about me after we got together, that was 8th grade. My freshman year I went out with this religious freak and when I said 'Oh My God' he broke up with me. After that I kind of gave up on guys.
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