Status: Complete; 110 readers, 41 subscribers, 79 comments; 5 stars <333

What's It Like to See a Ghost?

Two years ago, her lover, her husband, her best friend passed away in an accident involving a drunk driver. She and her now six year old son do their best to live life as normal, but they just can't seem to fill the void that he left behind. But what happens when an old friend makes his way back into their lives after an accidental overdose? Can he fill the void? Or is there something deeper when it comes to his purpose?

The girl.
The boy.
The friend.

I own nothing except the plot and the original character(s). Steal them, and you'll be reported. If you have a problem with this story, tell me so I can fix it. I promise I don't bite unless you ask me to.

Read the prequel or there is really no point in reading this.

All chapters are from Scarlett's point of view, unless otherwise stated.


© RonnieRadke

Special thanks to HidingFromTheGallows for helping me with the first five chapters.

Title Credit: The Gunsling - Black Veil Brides