Status: Ongoing, but not my main focus, so slowly.

The Black Dahlia

Chapter 1 - A New Friend, and a New Enemy

It was her tenth birthday today, and she had discovered something about herself, something amazing. She was different, unique. She had felt it when she woke up that morning. She had felt power. Admittedly it wasn’t that huge, just more of a twinge. But still strange. She had been staring at her hand, as if it was foreign to her. And suddenly, it was gone, disappearing into thin air. And yet she could still feel it, floating. She felt a light wind encircle her, lifting her black hair off of her shoulders and slightly into the air. It was like she was stuck in a mini tornado, but not a destructive one. It was soft, soothing almost. It was a comfort. It held her gently at first, and then it got a little more windy. Her hair was lifted more, and flew around her head. Suddenly, she wasn’t touching the ground anymore. She was levitating slightly in the air, her new friend lifting her. The thought of fear crossed her mind. Should she be scared? Probably. Was she? Not in the least bit. She was happy, and she laughed. Someone had heard her, she had forgotten that she needed to do what little homework she had.

She heard the footsteps draw nearer, and the doorknob turn. The door opened to show her father, and it also showed her to him. She looked at him proudly.

She smiled widely at him and said, “Daddy! Look what I can do! Isn’t it amazing?”

A multitude of looks passed on his face; shock, fear, anger, resentment, then more anger. She didn’t understand, wasn’t he proud? She had power.

“Lisa! Get up here, now, and explain something for me.” Her father yelled down the stairs to her mother.

She was confused. Why was he so upset? The young girl was still floating like before, her hand still invisible. She also still had the wind swirling around her, but it had settled down a bit.

Her mother appeared in the doorway, her face confused, until she saw her child. Confusion turned to surprise, then fear, and then only regret was looming in her eyes.

“Mommy…?” She whispered, the wind around her carrying her voice over to her mother.
Her father, Tom, was looking at her mother, glaring really.

“Explanation.” The man said to his wife.

“Shouldn’t we do this somewhere else? Not in front of Dahlia…?” Her mother Lily whispered his way, nervous.

Normally, she wouldn’t have heard her mother. But her new friend, the wind, helped her. It carried the voice over to her, the sound gently passing her ear allowing her to hear her mother speaking.

“I want to know what is going on. What is wrong with her? You’ve always been secretive about your… ancestry. People used to tell me strange things about your family, but I thought they were crazy. Obviously, I was wrong.” Her dad did not whisper. He didn’t yell, but his voice was loud and angry.

“I… It’s hard to explain! I never thought…”

The man interrupted her mother before she could continue, “You never thought what, Lisa? That I wouldn’t find out? I agree, it does look pretty hard to explain… She’s floating!!”

“I’m sorry… Tom, please… Nothing is wrong with her. She‘s just special. You shouldn‘t be so… Cruel. Especially in front of your daughter. ” Lisa was annoyed now.

Dahlia was watching the exchange silently. She could see the anger grow in her father’s eyes. He was furious, and her mother was scared.

Her father grabbed her Lily’s upper arm, and not gently. She was in pain, it was showing on her face.

“Do not talk to me like that. She is not ‘special’. She’s a freak! And so are the rest of you.” Tom shook her roughly, letting his anger seep out.

“We are not freaks, Tom. There are many people who have power, abilities, like Dahlia. Like my family. How dare you… Say that to us.” Lisa said, angered.

“How dare I…?” Tom did not like being defied, and his anger was beyond his control. He slapped Lisa, hard.

All Dahlia could do was watch, shocked and frightened. She could only stare as her father raised a hand against her mother, cheek now red and her lip bleeding. She could see the shock on her mother’s face, she had not expected that. No one had.

“Mommy, you’re bleeding… Why? Why would you make her bleed, Daddy?”

Dahlia was upset. The wind picked up around her again, and she could feel her other hand disappear, and the effect traveling slowly up her wrists.

“You stay out of this, child! This is between me and your mother.” Her father was still furious. “Lisa, let’s take this somewhere else…”

Dahlia watched as her stunned mother was dragged from the room, fear seeping into her eyes and face. They both knew what was going to happen. They had never expected things to become like this. They didn’t think Dahlia’s father was capable of hurting them. That was the day they found out, they were wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, my first chapter of this story :D
I began this idea a long time ago, and decided I would try and start writing it again!
I have a lot of other stuff that goes before this story, though, so this one will probably be more of a slower going story when it comes to being updated... But I still hope some people read it, and enjoy it enought o subscribe!
Any kind of feedback would be amazing <3