

Sonja had just celebrated her 25th birthday. A normally happy occasion was the exact opposite. To everyone else, it was still just as happy as it had always been. To her it was just bringing up a pain from her recent past she was hoping to have gotten over by now. She acted happy so that no one would worry, but the smile was just a masque to hide her real feelings.

Her mother walked up to her as she was taking a cookie from the snack table. Even though she was 25 and most people didn’t think she needed a party, she still liked them because they at least somewhat cheered her up, even if it wasn’t much. The cookies with Halloween sprinkles and decorations reminded her of when she was younger and happier. Even with all this, she must’ve been really upset this time because her mother seemed to notice. “Sonja, are you alright? You look a little down.” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine, mom. I just found an old picture of me and Thomas last night.” She threw on the usual smile and walked off, fighting back tears.

Her mother followed her and put a loving hand on her shoulder. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you at least trying to have fun?” Sonja nodded. “Good.” Someone called for her so she left.

Sonja knew the party was dying down and that she wouldn’t be missed, so she slipped inside and to her room, where the picture she had found the night previous was sitting on her bed. She let herself fall into the pillows and hugged the picture close. In it they were both smiling. It was taken the day they finally got to see one of their favorite bands, Nightwish, on their last tour before they replaced their original singer.

The picture brought back good memories but it also made her miss him. It had been three years but it seemed like it was just yesterday she had found him. What made her feel even worse was that they never found the person that took him from her and had basically given up, no matter how much she hounded them, even though he had tried to get her as well. Finally, she drifted off to sleep.
Sonja had just walked in the door from a night out with her best friend. It was her birthday and they always went to a little sushi bar for it. She called out for Thomas to say she was home but there was no answer. She started looking around until she got to their bedroom. Once she looked through that doorway, her heart sank and she let out a blood-curdling scream.

Her husband was lying in the bed in a bloody mess. What she couldn’t tell yet was how brutal and revolting what she saw really was. The long sleeved turtleneck and long pants hid the gory details of his detached limbs and decapitation.

Sonja dropped to her knees and started crying, her head in her hands. There was a sound of heavy footsteps behind her and quiet laughter. She lifted her head up and turned around. A tall, buff, scruffy man was standing right in front of her. His clothes were blood-splattered and half of his teeth were gone while what few were left were rotten and yellow.

She tried screaming again but her voice didn’t seem to work. He lifted her up and put his arm around her. “Well ain’t you a pretty little thing? I don’t normally like you goth chicks but you’re an exception.” The man ran his fingers through her long, bright red hair and she pushed him away. He pulled out a knife but then heard sirens and saw red and blue lights coming in from the windows. He ran out the back door and managed to get away.

Everything started to get blurry and Sonja passed out just as the police busted through the door, just missing the man.
Sonja shot up and screamed. It was night now and everyone had gone home. They must not have wanted to bother her. It’s not like it would’ve mattered either way. At least this way they still thought she was ok. Obviously she wasn’t, but at least they would think she was.

Three years of that same dream, of reliving that night over and over again was too much for her. She ran down to the kitchen and took one of the knives in her hand. She wanted to be with her beloved Thomas and knew she couldn’t if she were living. She put it to her chest and wanted so much to just shove it in with every ounce of strength she had left.

But someone tried to stop her. The second she put any pressure on it, the knife flew out of her hands and across the room, sticking halfway into the wall. She walked over to it and tried to pull it out but it wouldn’t budge. “Why?! Why don’t you just let me die?! Don’t you want to see me again?!” She screamed while tears were streaming from her eyes like waterfalls.

She continued to try and pull the knife out but it wouldn’t come loose, let alone come out. Suddenly, a gently breeze blew past her. It felt as if a familiar hand had touched her shoulder. Though she still didn’t let go of the knife, she turned around a little to see if anyone was there. No windows were open and the house was just as empty as it was any other night.

Her hands slid off of the knife’s handle and her arms fell limp at her sides. She turned around and sighed. For the first time in three years, she got a real, happy, genuine smile. “It’s nice to know you’re still there and you’re still watching out for me. You must’ve just wanted me to be safe. Even though I couldn’t save you or help them catch that man, you still love me. I guess I’ll just have to wait to see you again.” She wiped away the remaining tears and felt another breeze, only this time it felt as if familiar lips had given her a light kiss. She giggled a little and went back up to her room, not even turning back to check as the knife fell out of the wall and clattered to the floor.