The Show Goes On


*Vero has started a BBM chat

Vero - Let's do this!

Mel - Do... What?

Marc - Geewiz, look at the time Vero! I think we ought to head to bed. Goodnight friends!

*Marc has left the chat.

Vero - Oh yes, sorry everyone, GOODNIGHT <3!

*Vero has left the chat.

Kris - Hey Avril, I think Wild Child is on ABC right now.

*Kris has left the chat.

Avril - Oh, yeah! That's my favourite!

*Avril has left the chat.

Jord - What are you talking about... There is a Bring It On marathon on ABC tonight.

Kelsey - Your all idiots.

*Kelsey has left the chat.

Abby - We have a dinner date. :)

*Abby has left the chat.

Geno - Da, Waffle House.

*Geno has left the chat.

Max - Oh golly, look at the time! Off to bed por moi!

Sid - It's 9:30....?


*Max has left the chat.

Mel - So who does that leave...?

Sid - Me.

Jord - And me.... oh, I get what they did just there!

Mel - You can never again, argue that you are smarter then me....

Sid - HAHAH.

Jord - Easy there Crosby, don't bust a lung ... :)

Mel - Well... They had the right idea... Can we talk?

Sid - I don't see why not..

Jord - Yeah, I kinda miss talking to you Sid... Even though I would never admit that out loud for fear of being called gay.

Sid - I miss you too Jord.... But I think you should know that I still like Melanie...

Jord - May the best man win?

Mel - I'm right here guys...

Sid - Deal, no hating though?

Jord - Wouldn't dream of it!

Mel - Wait.... How did you know there was a Bring It On Marathon on ACB, Jordan.....?

Sid - And admitting that you missed me sounded gay?

Jord - Um, hot girls in short clothing guys. Get real.

Mel - Your such a guy.

*Mel has left the chat.

Sid - Night Staalsy!

*Sid has ended the chat.

Jordan placed his Blackberry on top of the coffee table, and clicked the television off of mute.

"Come on Torrance, you need to do a double round-off back hand spring to end the routine or else no one will take you guys seriously!" He yelled at the movie playing before him, wearing his uniform and a whistle in case the girls got out of line.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Sorry for the wait, hope it was worth it!

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