Status: Starting slowly..

Party Boy.

Long Night

She woke up to Jordan's crying from the other room, and looking over she found an empty space in their bed. He's still not back. Groggily, she pushed herself to get out of bed for the 6th time and see what was wrong with the baby girl. Though Joanne lost hours of sleep, she thought it was all worth it when the tiny human being smiled at her. She just thought a little help would make her life a whole lot better.

"What's wrong baby?" Joanne mumbled through tired lips as she picked up the sobbing child.

She tried rocking her, feeding her, changing her, and after hours of attempts Joanne just had to settle on staying awake until the baby cried herself to sleep. Which finally happened not long after the 2 hour mark since she had gotten up. Joanne let a sigh of relief out as she gently placed Jordan back in her crib before turning to return to her own room, only to hear the loud drunken slam of the door.

"Yo, Jo!" Keegan's voice slurred, "Where ya at?"
She rushed around the corner and slapped her hand over his mouth. "Shut the fuck up." She growled, the growing gap between how many days since she last slept soundly caused her frustration to bubble into those words.
"Jesus, cool it. Wanna hit to chill?"
She now focused on the joint he was holding and couldn't even hold herself back anymore. She snatched the joint from his hands and drown it under the sink before trashing it.

Keegan only wanted his wife-to-be to relax a little. The bags under her eyes were getting worse and worse. Not even when she partied until 9am did her bags get that bad. He just wanted to help in the only way he knew how. Apparently, Joanne lost her cool side and didn't even want a little hit for the very good reason of relaxation.

"Keegan! Get that shit out of this house and away from my baby!" She snapped, her voice growing in volume. She knew a bag of weed had to still be on him. "I am sick of you going around having fun while I have to take care of her. She's your kid too!"
"Hey, you know you can come party with me anytime, babe."
"That isn't my fucking point!"
"Joanne, you're acting ridicu-"
"I dare you to finish that word." Her voice dropped lowly, from the room she just left she could hear Jordan fidget and that wasn't a good sign. "You spend your money from your job as a tattoo artist on drinks and joints, and you stay in my house that I pay all the bills for. You come home late every fucking single night, loudly might I add!" Joanne steadied herself with a deep breath, feeling tears sting at her eyes.

"Joanne, you know I don't want to hurt you."
"Then stop. Just stay home with us. Spend some time with your daughter."
The conflicted look on Keegan's face sent knives down Joanne's throat in a heart throbbing pain. He actually had to think about it? She gave up her habits the second she found out she was pregnant. And he actually couldn't choose. The answer was the worse part.

"Just give me time, Jo. I don't think it'll be that easy."
Defeated, exhausted, utterly depressed- Joanne left Keegan standing there and left to sleep in Jordan's room. She didn't think she could stand sleeping in the same bed as Keegan tonight.

And there he stood, high as hell and drunk as fuck. Utterly clueless in his drug-induced stupor as to what he was doing to his family.
♠ ♠ ♠
New, I don't know if this will stay a drabble or will transform into a story.
Anyways, opinions? Or advice on this story. I'd really appreciate some.(: