Status: Starting slowly..

Party Boy.

Mystery Girl.

Joanne was wondering around the park, waiting for Marcy to return with Jordan so she could get home and med things with Keegan. She knew he'd cling to his habits, especially his drinking. She should have known he wasn't "father material." Just like Marcy had said.

"Lady." A bored voice called, Joanne looked over to see a short, blond girl smoking a cigarette.

She can't be old enough to do that.
"Excuse me, are you old enough to be smoking."
The girl sniffed and turned her head slightly away as she took another drag, she obviously had a bad attitude. Joanne crossed her arms sensing a challenge. If she could get this girl to stop smoking...that would be a sure sign she could stop Keegan. The silly game started before Joanne even decided she wanted to try.

Her hand came out in a flash and swiped the stick from the girl's mouth and crushed it into the sidewalk with her heel, Joanne could feel the smug smile grow as the girl scowled.

"That cost me good money, ya bitch!"
"It's really depressing when children act this way. I hope my daughter doesn't end up like you."
The girl showed a second of utter hurt before covering it up with bravado. "Well, " She started and made her voice higher- clearly mocking Joanne. "Are you old enough to have a kid?"
Joanne felt her smile grow, this girl really was starting to remind her how she used to be.
"No, but I'm living with my mistake. I don't think you'll live long with lung cancer."

The blond girl huffed and crossed her arms. "Why am I even talking to you?"
"Because you want a friend?" Joanne hoped her guess didn't push the girl away; As they talked more, the more Joanne wanted to help.
She rolled her eyes in turn, "Someone going through mid-life crisis early. Want a younger friend do we?"
"Naw, just wanna help you out." Joanne put on her best gentle smile, trying to imagine the brat as her baby.

"Joanne!" She heard a breathless voice shout to her from behind.

Both the girl and Joanne's eyes moved toward the woman running with a stroller. Marcy.

"Don't run with her!"
"No! You don't understand. This is an emergency." She stopped to catch her breath.
"Look, wanna spit it to this chick?" The blond girl pryed.

Joanne was really starting to want to take the girl home, but surely she already had one. It was only the fact she was starting to act more and more like her. She probably just wanted a little sister and found this stranger to be the perfect fit for that dream.

Marcy shot a glare the blond's way before pulling her desperate gaze on Joanne.
"He got in a car crash, Jo."

That's exactly when she stopped breathing.
"-the hell?" Joanne said unsteadily trying to recall how.

"Don't just stand there, stupid!" The girl shouted and pushed her into Marcy and Jordan. "Go to whichever hospital he's at!"

That snapped her out of her disbelief and lunging for the stroller, both Marcy and Joanne swung around and went head long to the car before speeding off.

The nameless girl just stood smirking- she finally did something she was proud of.