Status: Starting slowly..

Party Boy.


Keegan had minor injuries from the car crash, but Simon didn't get let off so easily. Joanne felt sickened by the thought but; She wished Simon had died instead of getting off with a few "severe wounds." As everyone seemed to put it.

He stayed for 3 days to be sure he wasn't bleeding internally and all that jazz. Those 3 days were hell for him, and heaven for Joanne. He wanted a drink, a hit, anything really. Joanne was so thrilled to have him around though- he saw it in her eyes. He earnestly loved that look being back in his girl's eyes, but Keegan hated the fact he had to be sacrificed to get that look.

Jordan was in her arms, she on the edge of his hospital bed.

It was the same for those three days.

This is such a drag, who'd want such a boring life? The thought kept coming back as Keegan tried to make Joanne smile more. He wanted to party, and he knew Joanne did too. How could she not? She tasted the life! What would make anyone trade that in?

She felt that stupid grin grow as she went on about her day, knowing he was falling asleep at the conversation.

"Keegan." She gave up, sighing, she went on. "Can you at least hide the expression of being bored with us?"

Us. Why couldn't it just be her? Keegan frowned.

"Sorry, you keep talking about Jordan."
"Well...I thought you'd like to know about your daughter."
He smiled thinly, "Don't get me wrong. I do- just not constantly."

Marcy walked in by then, a solemn look on her face and an undercurrent of anger behind her brown eyes.

"You." She began through gritted teeth, "dumbass!"
"Look, I couldn't let Simon drive!"
"I'm not fucking talking about that stupid move! I'm talking about letting Simon in Joanne's apartment!"
"It's our apartment."
"Pft," Marcy snorted, "bullshit."
"What's wrong with Simon?" Keegan felt offended that his sister would make Simon stepping in the apartment sound like inviting Satan to dinner.
"He's a horrible influence on my baby brother! You never were such an immature brat who was addicted to drugs!"
"I drink."
"You don't think alcohol's a drug?"
"Guys!" Joanne cut in, the two both gave their attention. "Please, don't shout around Jordan."

Keegan felt like throwing his hands in the air, why was it always about the baby? Instead of groaning, or cussing he just let his lips fall into a firm line.

Though the reasons were different, a thin line also fell on Joanne's lip.

One of worry.

Was there family really going to be made up of fights over his drug use and hospital visits?

"I think I'm going to leave you to rest." She murmured, giving a weak smile as she stood.

Joanne felt oddly depressed.
Keegan felt guiltily ecstatic that she was finally leaving.
And Marcy stood, arms cross, glaring at the stranger in the hospital bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Been awhile since I updated.
I've lost my touch. :/

Feedback or criticism is appreciated.(: