Black Lillies

Chapter 3-

I couldn’t stopped examining this photo. She (black haired girl) has the same heart shaped face like the creepy twins. I guess I wasn’t really paying attention when I walked into Axel up the stairs. He just looked at me and noticed the photo in my hand. But before he saw what the photo was of, I quickly put it inside my bra, knowing that I wasn’t wearing any kind of pockets.

“Okay, look weirdo, I know your trying to solve something. Honestly we have no secrets. But to get you off our backs, take this.” Axel said handing me a cross necklace. However this cross had a loop on the top of it.

“What is…” I started to say.
“An ankh necklace. The Ancient Egyptians believed it was for protection. Our family say its for good luck. Be careful with it. You might need it for later..” Axel grinned and went towards to his and Ani’s room.

Even though Axel said there was no secrets, what does he mean by you might need it for later? Personally I think the only one who hates me is Axel. For a fourteen year old snotty, potty mouthed, brat, he’s probably have a plan to show me around this scary place.


Later that day, before I cooked dinner, something popped in my head. I seen everyone leave for fresh air every minute of the day, except for the twins.
Instead they stare at the windows and look sad each and every time. It seems like they want to leave but don’t want to at the same time.

I walked over next to one of them (cant tell them apart really) and started a small conversation.

“Whats wrong?” I tried to get him to look at me, but he was too busy staring at the window.
“Hows the weather today?” he asked me.
“Well its warm and breezy.” I said.
“Beautiful…” He said softly while trying to imagine being outside.

“Why don’t you go out and get some fresh air? Ive noticed that while I was here for 24 hours, you and your brother didn’t leave or played outside..why is that?”

He looked at me like I cracked a mystery case. His eyes were wide and mouth was open. It looked like his face said, “you know?” or “She realized it?” Honestly I notice small things a lot.

“..Its forbidden…” he mumbled.
“What is?”
“Tell you what? If you use that Key that Axel gave you, you can unlock something you’ve been looking for. If you do that, you can free Wick and I..”

Key? Something Ive been looking for? Freedom for the twins? As I thought that, I turned around to pull out the ankh necklace, to see that on the sides were in fact grooves like a key. But what door does this key unlock? I turned back and Jex (knowing who he is now) was gone. I wonder if the twins are cursed and that’s why they cant leave the house. Time to unlock doors!
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New Questions:

1- Is Axel trying to help Luna or is he trying to get her in trouble?
2- Are the twins really cursed? are there any other reasons why they cant leave the main mansion?