Turn Every Good Thing to Rust

He’ll tell himself it’s self-defence, later, that he had to kill or be killed, but pure survival instincts don’t explain the way he pummels the other boy over and over and over and over wherever his greedy fists can reach. He only stops when the rage has ebbed out of his veins and that’s a long time after the mushy mess underneath his hands stops moving.

The first time Andrew kills someone, he’s seventeen, half out of his mind with fury and fear and lashing out at a bully. Carey helps him hide the body, because that’s what best friends do.

Andrew Garfield/Carey Mulligan, mostly gen and very, very AU. Prequel to the as-yet unwritten Andrew-and-Carey-are-serial-killers fic. ~1500 words. For this contest and this one and this one. Title from Wake Up by Arcade Fire.