I Fell in Love With a Dead Boy

Adi rules the roost.

We had been on tour a good week now. Spirits were still high and as we left Philly Adi had joined the Armstrong tour bus. I was currently snoring on her lap when the bus came to a halt.
“Fia, hunny, we have stopped for gas…” Adi shook me awake and I stared up at her beautiful dreadlock- framed face.
I groaned and turned over to let her get up. I was half dead, literally feeling like roadkill from the night before. Bob’s bus had been where the party was last night, I had been chatting to Frank a lot as Gerard waltzed off to his own bus again all night. Tre managed to steal a few kegs from God only knows where and thusly everyone got shit faced.
It felt like I had shut my eyes for only a second when,
“Go away Frank I’m sleeping.”
“Yeah but look what I bought...”
“If it isn’t aspirin you can bugger off.”
He chuckled and sat down next to me.
“Better than that.”
“Only Evil Dead! It was in the DVD rack in the store, come on, let’s watch it, I know you love it and plus…Adi said we could hijack the TV for a bit, come on, get up…”
I groaned and sat up. Regretting the conversation I had with Frank about cheesy horror films, apparently we both shared that passion, I didn’t know that he would actually try and awake me from my death-like state to watch one.
“Come on, it will cheer you up.” He cooed pressing the ‘play movie’ button.
Word had gotten around about the 80s gory flick and soon enough Frank and I were joined by a few roadies, Tre, Bob and Ray.
Billie opened the door to his bus and froze,
“What the fuck is going on here? This isn’t the fucking Imax guys, get the hell out!”

None of us moved, still staring at the screen as the book of the dead appeared in the Evil Dead cabin.
Adi was chuckling behind her husband,
“Did you let this happen?” he turned asking her sternly.
She shrugged and joined the crowd gathered around the couches. Frank handed her a beer as Billie’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped.
“You traitor!” He screeched in a high pitched voice.
“Ssh Bill, your ruining it.”
“THIS IS MY BUS!” His voice got higher, we all chuckled.
“Wow Bill I think your balls have just rocketed up your throat” Rigger Dan chuckled as we all laughed at Billie getting really annoyed.
“Am I being mutinied from my own bus?” he screeched looking fit to burst.
“Billie hunny keep it down” Adi smirked not taking her eyes from the screen.
“Oh! FINE! JUST FINE! YOU FUCKERS! I’ll ride with Mike then.”
“Billie, if you’re going, go coz we can’t hear the movie” Tre yelled stuffing his face with popcorn that apparently just suddenly appeared form nowhere.
“Oh you bastards” he screamed camply, darting from the bus and slamming the door.
It was silent for a few minutes before the door opened again,
“I hope you all fuckin choke on your popcorn” he popped his head around the corner to yell before slamming it shut again. The big girl, it’s his fault for having such a big TV.

“So I heard that you guys all had a big Evil Dead session without me.” Gerard smirked in the MCR dressing room before their gig.
“Yeah well, if you weren’t constantly on your cell Gee you could have joined in.” Frank smirked fastening the tie around his neck.
Gerard turned to frown at his guitarist as he leant into the dressing room mirror to apply his make-up.
“Here ya go Fia” Mikey smiled handing me the eyeliner that Billie had wanted to borrow as Adi forgot to bring his new supply of black kohl.
“Thanks Mikey you saved Green Day’s set.”
He chuckled and I turned to see Alicia entering the room with two other girls.
“Hey Fia” she smiled at me warmly.
“Hey, you okay?” I asked as she nodded
“Great, I’ll see you later probably”
I returned the nod and made to leave.
“ANY REQUESTS FIA?” Frank shouted at me as I turned to leave.
“Cemetery Drive” I smiled taking a glance at Gerard who was wearing a rather perfect suite. If he decided to pounce on me in that baby now I think I would be in the cemetery, from a heart attack developing from extreme joy.
“Good Luck guys” I smiled leaving the room and heading towards Billie’s, hmmm dirty thoughts about Gerard were something that was cropping up often in my head recently.