I Fell in Love With a Dead Boy

We are in dyer need of a party

“Shit! Shit Shitty, shit, shit, shit, shit.”
“Woah Fia calm yee self down!”
I pushed passed Bob in the corridor, it was half 6 and I was an hour late, Billie’s coffee, papers and croissant was still in my arms and not on his person. I was dead, I was really dead.
“Sorry Bob Bill’s gonna have my head for this”
The worst time to piss BJ off was in the morning because then he was pissy at you all day. The problem was I could not get up this morning; I just didn’t want to leave my bed. I was having a really good dream involving myself and a certain New Jersey singer. I wish I could have slept all day and night, I wish that I could turn into the sleeping beauty of the tour. If Gerard was only with me in my dreams then god I’d sleep for an eternity.
Billie looked up at me as I burst through the door.
“Your late” he spat fastening his shoes.
“I know I’m sorry, I overslept, but I did nearly get run over on the way to Starbucks.”
I smiled handing him his things.
“Well that’s a small consolation” he smirked back taking the stuff from me and standing up.
“Just try and be on time Fia, it’s a pain in the ass is all, coz then the day starts late.”
I nodded following him from the hotel room, dragging his packed case behind us as we entered the elevator. Billie was a bit down today as Adi flew home last night, it’s probably why he let me off so lightly.

Piling into his bus and ready to roll Gerard came clambering on board.
“Billie! Oh hey Fia.”
I blushed as we smiled at each other,
“What Gerard, everything okay?” Billie asked the singer.
I looked down and continued to type out some of Billie’s useless paper work.
Gerard looked back at my uncle, “Oh yeah, well, I was wondering if we could have a chat on the way to Vegas?”
“Yeah sure Gee, pull up a seat man” Billie patted the couch next to him.
Gerard looked wearily at me.
“Err…in private?”
I suddenly felt both their eyes burning at me and I looked up from my computer screen.
“I get the hint…have fun gayboys” I sniggered getting up and vacating to my bunk with the laptop. Billie rolled his eyes at me as I left the room.
“THANKS FIA!” I heard Gerard shout.
I wonder what they could be talking about? I kept very quiet but all I could hear were silent mutterings over the tapping of my keys.
I looked at my cell that had just vibrated,
Adi: Hey Fia, just wondering how you are now I’m gone. Look after Billie for me I’ll see you in two weeks. Love 80
P.S. Stay away from you know who. Xxx

I smirked at the message, Adi had only been gone three and a half hours and already she was crapping herself about me. Maybe she had warned Billie to watch me, that’s why he was nice about me being late this morning, well, not exactly nice, more like tolerant.
They had been talking a good hour and I was bored, I had finished Billie’s papers and was desperate to kick my feet back and just chill on the couches.
Knocking on the side of the wall next to the couch room the guys both looked up at me.
“I’m getting neck cramp, can I join you guys now?”
“Sure” Billie smiled at me.
I looked at them wearily, both showing ridiculous smiles plastered on their faces.
“What were you two talking about?”
“Ah stuff” Billie grinned at me, patting the leather next to him.
“Come on Fia, come and sit next to Uncle Billie Joe.”
“Your such a loser” I sighed happily plonking myself next to him, snuggling into his blue jumper as his arm wrapped around me.
He smelled like Billie, that weird mixture of just man smell, cologne and hairspray. Gerard smiled at me as Billie began flicking through the channels.
“She’s twenty three and still acts like a kid, even if she has this front that says, “I’m hard and I’ll kick you in the balls.”
Gerard laughed as Billie teased me.
“Uncle Billie you say all this yet you are still hugging me.”
“Yeah well get used to it, daily hugs is on your new job list.”
I chuckled and prized myself away from my uncle’s grip.
“Hey Frank left Evil Dead here, stick it on Bill.”

So we watched it again, well first time for Gerard and Billie and I found myself huddled between the two of them and thoroughly enjoying it. My two favourite guys of the moment, Gerard was bent over a sketch pad drawing, but he would glance up at the screen every so often and smirk widely before looking back down at his pencil.
“I can’t believe I was kicked out of my bus for this. It’s well ridiculous” Billie chuckled as a hand ran across the cabin floor by itself.
“Yeah but that’s why we all love it. It’s just gore”
Billie shuddered, “You’re all sick.”
Gerard chuckled into his sketchpad.
“It’s Frank’s birthday on Friday, what should we do?” the MCR singer asked.
“Getting into the party spirit are we?” I teased
“Yeah” Gerard nodded, failing to look up from his paper.
“Lets throw him a costume party.” Billie grinned
“How about pirates? Frank LOVES pirates!” I asked excitedly.
“Nah we’ve done that before” Gerard answered, “We need another theme like that though.”
We all fell silent in contemplation until Billie suddenly yelled,
“HEY! How about a Rocky Horror Show theme? Ya know? In drag…”
Gerard and I exchanged worried looks before I shook my head at my uncle.
“Only you, Tre, Mike, Frank and Rigger Dan would truly enjoy that.”

Billie fell silent before muttering “bastards” under his breath.
I craned my neck to see the small drawings that Gerard had produced and then it suddenly clicked.
“Let’s have a comic book / superhero party!”
Gerard’s head snapped up at mine, “That would be so cool.”
“Yeah…Fia that’s, that could be really great…yeah, yeah, we’ll do that. I dibs Batman!” Billie declared like there was a whole hall full of people listening to him.
“That’s so cool” Gerard grinned at me, Billie shot up and headed for the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water and pulling a phone from his black jeans pocket.
“I’m organizing this shit right now!”

As Billie disappeared to the back of the bus to make a few calls, I turned to Gerard.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I figured Billie was best to ask for musical advice. Thanks for…well, giving us some space.”
I shrugged, “its okay, I had work to do anyways.”
Gerard nodded, “So…what superhero are you going to go as?”
I shook my head in embarrassment, “Well…I don’t really know any others so I was thinking Wonder woman?”
Gerard snapped his eyes up and they met mine furiously, sending a pang of want through my gut.
“That would be hot…err I mean, well, cool…”
I smirked as he began to turn red, my brain trying to register what he had just said.
“No, but what I mean is that there are loads of girl super heroines you don’t have to just pick the obvious ones.” He smiled.
“Gee, I know NOTHING about comics.” I frowned into thin air in front of me,
Gerard laughed before eagerly putting down his sketchpad and pencil.
“Okay well…” he sat up straight and curled his tongue over his small lips,
“There’s, wonder woman, cat woman, Aqua girl, bat girl, bat woman, bionic woman, blonde phantom, dead girl, Jean Gray from X men, Storm form X men, Ice maiden, Phantom Lady, Superwoman, Vampirella, Xena…”
I began to laugh at the list he was churning off,
“Jesus Gee, you know your stuff” I giggled loving him more for being so passionate about something so trivial to the majority of people.
“I’m a geek genius what can I say?”
We both laughed and I decided to choose Super girl because at least she had a costume unlike Vampirella’s piece of flimsy fabric that was covering nothing but nipple. I’m so glad Gerard drew a quick sketch of each character to show me their outfits.
“I’m not being perverted…honest” He smirked, making my insides churn as he finished Vampirella’s long hair.
“Defo Super Girl…I love the cape.” I grinned pointing to the woman with the huge S across her chest at the top his page.