‹ Prequel: Hot and Bothered
Sequel: Truth or Dare
Status: A-Ri Bubbies!!

All Grown Up


Michael heard his phone ring, hoping it was his Ri-Ri he rushed to it, picking it up. He looked at the screen, sighing in relief when he saw his boyfriend's name flash across the screen.

“Lexie, baby I'm so--”

“Mikey not now,” Riley breathed.

“But Lexie you gotta know--”

“This isn't a good time Mike,” Riley interrupted again.

“But you have to let me--”

“Michael Mizanin if you don't shut up for like five seconds. Obviously you're not paying attention to how my breathing pattern is going. Michael you need to get to my parents house like yesterday,” Riley said, the last part coming through clenched teeth.

“Why?” Mike asked.

“Are you fucking kidding me!? I'm eight and a half months pregnant doing fucking lamaze breathing in your ear and you ask me why you fucking need to get to my parents house?” Riley took a deep calming breath, “Look can you just get over here please? I can't do this without you, Bubby needs both her parents with her when she's born.”

“Oh shit are you? You went without me?” Mike breathed panicking.

“Went where without you? Into labor? Baby there is not exactly anything I could've done about it, look can you just get here please?”

“I am out the door right now.”

Mike hung up the phone and scrambled around for his key. He breathed as the realization hit him like a brick to the face. “I'm gonna be a father.”


“Ri-Ri babe where are you!?” Mike called as he walked into Alex's parents' house.

“Upstairs in the bathroom,” Riley called.

Mike ran up the stairs two at a time. He whipped around the corner, and into Lexie's old room walking into the bathroom.

“Baby what are you doing in here? How am I supposed to take you to the hospital if you don't even have on any clothes!?” Mike wailed.

Alex was in the bath tub, surrounded by bubbles. There was a lavender scent evading Mike's nostrils. He knew Alex liked to use lavender to help him calm down when he got to hype. He was taking deep breaths, you could see his tummy above the water, and his toes gripping the edge of the tub.

“Shhh okay. You need to calm down, what's that John is always telling you? Be easy Mikey.” Alex's hands were moving in small circles around his tummy, as he took in deep breaths.

“Alex you're having a baby, how am I supposed to be calm? The baby could be ready to come and you are sitting in this bath tub surrounded by fucking bubbles!”

“Michael Mizanin if you do not calm down I will--” He was interrupted when a contraction hit. He took deep breaths until the contraction was over, “Just can you be calm for me? I don't want to be tense when I have Bubby I really don't. Because if you're tense and I'm tense... Bubby will be born into a tense environment and that is totally not good okay? So can you just come over here and hold my hand while you calmly call the doctor and see if we can go in?” Alex beckoned Mike to join him by the tub.

Mike made his way over to the tub, and sat on the edge of it. He held his hand out, giving Alex's a soft squeeze of encouragement. Alex smiled up at him, relief washing through his features knowing his Mikey was here for him no matter what.

“Babe I want you to know--”

“Still not the time Mikey,” Riley said.

“Lexie I have to say this--”

“We're not going to talk about it. It's a tense subject and we're going for relaxing here right?”

“Ri-Ri I know but you need to know that--”

“Mike you can apologize to me after Bubby is born okay? I just need you to call the doctor right now.” He started squeezing Mike's hand as another contraction hit. He breathed through it, throwing a weak smile in Mike's direction.

Mike took out his phone dialing their Doctor's number.

“Hi Doctor Wilson?” Mike said as a female's voice picked up the phone.

”Michael? To what do I owe this conversation? I'm not supposed to see you or Alex again until next week for your scheduled cesarean.”

“I know. That's exactly what I wanted to talk about. So we scheduled it for next week right? I was wondering if we could possibly push it up to this week?”

”I'm sure we can find a time for you. Why are we so eager to push it up?”

“It's not us really. It's more that... Well I'm sitting here, with Alex of course, and he's gone into labor, like right now.”

“Michael are you sure? If so how far apart are the contractions?”

He looked back at Alex who was intensely squeezing his other hand at the moment. His eyes were closed as he tried to keep his breathing normal.

“Six minutes,” Alex managed as his breathing returned to normal.

“Doc? Yeah he says that they're six minutes apart.”

“Okay Mike get him ready to go, there's no rush. I'm going to go in and get everything ready so when you do come in all we have to do is get you in the room and then get you your baby.”

“Thanks for actually being here for us Doc. We'll see you there.”

“Of course Michael, it's no problem. Like I said there's no rush, but if things are moving as fast I'm assuming, from the info you gave me, then you need to be leaving in the next hour. I'm in my car on the way to the hospital right now. I'll be there when you get there.”

“Okay we'll see you there.”

Mike hung up turning to Alex seeing that he'd closed his eyes again, breathing coming out in long deep drags.

“Lexie? Doctor Wilson says I need to get you ready to go okay? So we gotta get you dried off and into some sweats or something so we can get you to the hospital. She's going to be waiting there for us.”

Alex nodded slowly, his mouth in a small circle as he continued the breathing he'd learned from lamaze classes. He was trying to keep his mind and body from going into hyper drive with excitement. He was finally going to get to see his Bubby. He'd been waiting eight and a half months for her and he was anxious about her finally being here.

But he knew he needed to stay calm in order to keep the pain down.

“I'm gonna lift you out okay? Just put your arms around my neck, I got you I swear.”

Alex nodded again, reluctantly letting go of his lover's hand so he could pick him up from the soapy water.

His arms wrapped around Mike's neck as Mike's arm was around his back and then under his legs, picking him up out of the tub. He walked into Alex's room and sat him on the bed. He ran out to the linen closet and grabbed a towel. He came back into the room to see Alex sitting up against the headboard, his hands moving around his tummy just like they had been when he was in the tub.

“Mikey this hurts really bad okay? So can we move things a little faster? I just, I need this to not hurt anymore.”

Mike nodded before going to Alex's drawer and pulling out a pair of sweats for him to put on. He laid them on the bed next to lover and began drying him off with the towel. He started with his legs and moved upwards. Taking gentle care with his Ri-Ri's sensitive tummy. Finally drying off his torso and arms.

“Almost done Lexie. Let's get you in these sweats and we'll be on the road to seeing our Bubby.”

Alex smiled weakly at him before going back to concentrating on his breathing.

Mike got the sweats on him fairly easily. With small amounts of help from Alex in the form of lifting his hips and raising his arms.

“Is my bag still in your car and did you text everyone?” Alex asked.

“Yes and who am I texting?”

“Your parents, my parents, John, Randy, and Evan,” Alex explained.

His fingers moved fast over the keys of his iPhone as he mass texted the people Alex had listed off, “Annnnd.... Sent! Now do you want to walk to the car or do you want me to carry you?”

“Carry me please Mikey? I'm entirely too tired to walk right now.”

“Of course babe, just here... Arms up.” He lifted Alex bridal style and made his way out to their car.

He mentally made sure he had his keys and phone before getting into the driver's seat. Revving up the engine he zoomed down the highway.

“Babe you don't have to kill us okay? Contractions aren't even five minutes apart yet. Bubby still has sometime to wait, so you know, please follow the law? The last thing we need is to get pulled over and end up like one of those made for TV movies from Lifetime,” Alex explained.

“Right, you know best. Okay, take it easy Michael. Your child is only about to be born right? No need to freak out of course. I mean you're only about to be a father--”

“Mikey you're not helping to calm yourself down at all. You're just riling yourself up even more. You need to be easy baby. Bubby needs you to be easy for her, surely you can calm down for Bubby?” Alex commented.

“You're right Ri-Ri, I can be calm for her. I know I can.” He took a deep breath and allowed calm to spread through him as he pulled into a parking space in front of the hospital where they deliver the babies.

He ran in and got a wheelchair to put Alex in. Popping the trunk he got out the bag and hung it on the handle of the wheelchair before closing it. He picked up Alex and placed him in the wheelchair before heading back into the hospital. He headed over to the nurses station and got somone's attention.

“Excuse me umm, I'm here for Doctor Wilson? She said she'd be here getting an operating room ready?”

“You must be Mr. Mizanin and Mr. Riley. There's a labor and delivery room all set up for you if you'll just follow me,” the nurse said coming around the station to lead Mike to the room.

She lead him into a room that was painted a color that was between lime green and chartrousse.

“My name is Casey and I'm going to let you get him dressed in this gown and then I'll be back in to get his vitals and set up the monitors for him and the baby,” She said, setting a clip board at the foot of the bed and smiling at them both before leaving.

Mike helped Alex into the gown and then onto the bed. As soon as Alex swung his other foot on the bed there was a small knock.

“You can come in.”

“Okay so here's what we're going to do. I need you to stick your index finger in here,” She held out this, what looked like a plastic clothes pin and put it on Alex's finger and the machine started beeping along with his heart rhythm, “and I'm going to take your blood pressure,” She put the cuff on his arm and ran the test, “looks a little high but we'll let Doctor Wilson decide if that's a factor. Then I'm going to take your temp,” She stuck a thermometer in his ear, “good and then I'm going to stick in these IV's,” She waited for Alex's contraction to be over before putting in the IV's and taping them where they needed to be so they'd stay, “and lastly I'm going to put this band around your tummy so we can get the baby's heartbeat and make sure everything's good with her.” She put the band around his stomach, and moved it around until the wet squelchy sound of the baby's heartbeat could be heard throughout the room.

She picked up the clipboard she'd set at the foot of the bed and started scribbling stuff down on it. There was a light knock on the door and then Doctor Wilson stuck her head in. She smiled before coming fully into the room.

“Hello boys, are we almost ready?”

“We can't wait to see Bubby,” Alex said.

“Well let's find out how long until we see her shall we? Now we're going to go with the C-Section, but we want to keep her in there as long as possible. The longer she's in the healthier so when we talked you said the contractions were six minutes apart, and have they gotten closer?”

“No... They're still coming every six to six and a half minutes,” Alex answered.

“Good, good. And how were his vitals looking Casey?” She asked.

“Everything's good, his and the baby's heart rates are fine. His blood pressure is a little high but I figure I'd let you decide,” Casey answered.

“Alright, well looking at it now I'd say it's just a little stress from the contractions, but I want you to check it every ten minutes or so for me Casey. Now you two have quite an audience in the waiting room, some of the biggest people I've seen in a long time. Do you think you're up for seeing them Alex? Or do you want to wait until after?”

“No you can send them in now I'll be fine,” He gritted out through clenched teeth, as a contraction came over him.

She nodded and walked out, smiling at them both. About a minute later 3 sets of men walked in the room and Mike's parents did also.

“A-Ri how're we feeling?” John asked, placing a light kiss against Alex's forehead.

“Mild pain, but I'm calm so it doesn't hurt as much. A little tired but other than that... Me and Bubby are doing good,” Alex explained.

Mike looked up to see that Punk was holding his own daughter, who was resting against his shou lder.

“You guys brought Aly?” Mike asked.

“Said she wanted to come, wouldn't take no for an answer.,” Punk started.

“She's eager to see her new cousin, you know she's practically in love with her Uncle Miz and her Uncle Lexie,” Randy finished.

“Randy... Our boys are growing up. I mean Mike and Lexie are having a baby and Cody and Evan found each other--”

“Finally,” Randy interrupted.

“Exactly. Now all we have to worry about are Teddy and Jack. Who've got their heads so far up each others asses they can't even see straight,” John finished.

“So we're four for six... I think we can work on the other two once we have our second little girl out of Lexie here. She's top priority at the moment,” Randy added.

“You guys her friends are going to be afraid of her and any potential boyfriends--”

“Will die a slow and painful death,” Punk interrupted Alex.

“Look at it this way babe, at least you know she'll always be well protected. Bubby will never have her heartbroken,” Mike said, soothing Alex.

“Ever heard the saying 'it takes a village to raise a child'?” Wade asked.

“Of course but what does that have to do with now?” Alex breathed.

“Meet your village,” Randy said, gesturing in a wide circle towards the rest of the guys.

“Oh Momma and Papa Miz, we didn't mean to take up your time with them,” John said turning towards Mike's parents.

“Oh John it's fine. My granddaughter should hear the voices of the family she's about to join. Like I've told you a billion times, you guys are all like my sons. I wouldn't have my grandbaby grow up with anyone else,” She said, patting John's large shoulder.

He smiled at her. His head snapped around when he heard the pained whimpers from Alex.

“Can someone get the doctor? I think Bubby is ready,” Alex gasped.

Everyone practically ran from the room. Eager to help out Alex and eager to see their new Bubby.

Mike took a hold of Alex's hand, kissing the back of it as Alex calmed down from his contraction, “Are we actually ready for this Ri-Ri?”

“Not that we have choice baby, but yeah I think we are. We're going to be good dads, and we have everyone to help. We'll be fine and so will Bubby,” Alex responded smiling up at Mike.

“I love you so Lexie,” Mike said.

“I love you too Mikey.”

Mike leaned in softly pressing his lips against Alex's, smiling at him when he pulled away.

“Let's get you guys into the OR and get you a beautiful baby girl,” Doctor Wilson said.


“Okay Alex, we've got you all numbed up down here, but you are going to feel some tugging okay?” Dr. Wilson said.

There was a sheet shielding Mike and Alex from seeing what was on the other side. All you could see was the doc's head which was covered by hairnet and her mouth was behind a mask.

Alex nodded at the doctor's info as he waited.

He held a little tighter to Mike's hand as he felt the first tug from his abdomen. He whimpered in discomfort as the doctor continued her tugging.

“She's a big one guys we almost got her though,” She said.

Alex felt one last tug and then they heard a popping sound. They waited and after a few seconds they heard the loud cries of a newborn. The nurse brought Mike around to cut the chord and then they laid the newly born baby against Alex's chest as she kept crying.

He had tears in his own eyes. Tears of happiness as he looked at his Bubby. She was finally here. Beautiful, a little wet, but beautiful none the less. Her head was covered in Mike's blondish hair. He placed a kiss against her head before the nurse came back.

“We've gotta take her back to weigh her and measure her, but we'll give her back to you as soon as possible,” One of the Nurses said, picking up the baby from Alex.

He nodded and smiled happily up at Mike.

“You did it baby. I'm so proud of you Lexie.” Mike kissed Alex, pressing his lips softly against the other man's.

We did it baby, together.”

“Okay Alex we're going to patch you up while the nurses have your daughter. You're going to feel a bit queasy while we part everything back where it belongs, but that's perfectly normal.”


Name: Michelle Alexa Mizanin
DOB: May 1, 2011
Weight: 8lb 15oz
Length: 21 ¾ in.
Nickname: Bubby
F: Alex Riley
F: Michael Mizanin

“She's so beautiful Mikey. I can't believe she's finally here it's like so surreal. She looks so much like you. She's got your hair and that nose.”

“Yeah but she's got your blue grey eyes. God I love her so much, she's so perfect,” Mike announced, finger softly rubbing through her dark blond locks.

Everyone had already been in to visit, oohing and ahhing over the newest edition to their weird little family. Aly adored her new “cousin”, Randy and Punk had to drag her away kicking and screaming pretty much. John didn't want to let her go, you could see it in his eyes he wanted one of his own. Of course everyone made the natural comparisons between Evan's size and the Baby's.

Finally it was just Alex and Mike and their beautiful baby girl. Their Bubby was finally here and she was more than they'd ever wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Meet Michelle Alex Mizanin Everyone!!

Coming up next in this series...
Cody Rhodes/Evan Bourne