Status: Well i will update anytime i get near a computer and have time :)

Here Today...Gone Tomorrow.

Black Hoodie

Cassie POV

"Quite, quite! I need your attention!! NOW!!!!" the dance instructor, Mr. Thompson, shouted over all of the talking, "Good morning! We will start with stretching, and then we will get right into the dances! First the jazz, then modern, then hip-hop, then ballet, and lastly you and your partner's own choreography that y'all have made up!"

I wondered why Mr. Thompson was so jittery today. I guess it was because our big dance showcase was in a week.

“This is important! Scouts will be there and will be selecting some of you to join their companies. And these just aren’t any plain old dance companies, they are the big shots! The top of the game! So if you mess up, you’re dead…” He once said.

I sighed out loud while stretching out my right leg on the wooden bar. I had to admit, this was quite stressful. And of all timesAlan decides to be late to class!!! I swear sometimes that kid can be so irresponsible! I rolled my eyes then began to stretch my middle split.

BUZZZZZZZ!!! I heard my phone ring.

I got up and dug though my bag and fished out my HTC Evo. I looked at the phone to see who it was. It read

Alan-Bear :) :

Heyy I wnt be coming 2 practice 2day. Sum thing came up. Srry! I’ll see you 2marrow though. Pinky promise ;)

I angrily threw my phone back in my bag, “por qué?!” I threw my hands in the air.

“Alright!” Mr. Thompson clapped his hands together, “Time to start! Formation everyone! Five, six, seven, eight!”


I whipped off my forehead with a towel I dug out of my bag. Practice was over and everyone was going home.

“Hey, Miss Hunter, Where was Mister Hunter today?” Mr. Thompson questioned.

It would have normally bugged me that he called me by Alan’s last name but I didn’t say anything about it, “Something came up.”

“Oh,” Mr. Thompson said, “I’d watch him if I were you, he’s a fine young man and trust me other girls are out to get ‘em…”

“For the last time, Alan’s not my boyfriend!” I rolled my eyes.

“Mmhmm, I’m not sure if I believe that.” Mr. Thompson grinned.

I put away my towel and slipped into my shoes, “Believe what you want.” I smirked leaving the dance room.

I got in my car and started it up. All I wanted to do was go to sleep, but I know that won’t happen considering the fact that I have 3 exams to study for. Gosh, the times when I need Alan he just seems to disappear!

I began to put the car in reverse when a person in a black hoddie just was standing behind my car watching me. I slammed on the breaks, and the person just simply walked away…..I couldn’t see his or her face due to the hoodie being in the way. Who was that? Were they standing there the whole time? I didn’t even want to know. I put my car in drive and burned off. I don’t know why it scared me so much, but it just did…
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay i know its a short on but i promise a longer chapter next time

Please please please read, comment and subscribe and all tht Jazz, this is a first for me and im trying rllly hard, SHOW A NEWBIE SOME LOVE :D and if u have any comments on how i should improve my story please let me know :)

(p.s. just sayin this now because it might not come up but Cassie is half Latina, half African-American and i chose Avan Jogia to be Alan Hunter because well hes the only one who rlly fit the description in my head on Alan i hope u enjoyed)