Status: Well i will update anytime i get near a computer and have time :)

Here Today...Gone Tomorrow.

I Guess Things Just Never Stay Under The Surface...

Kevin POV

I plopped down on my bed and threw my bag off to the side.

I heard my door open, "Hey, Kev, me and mom are going to the store....You want anything?" Kirsten asked.

"No, actually I'll go with y'all. Give me five minutes..." I say.

Kristen sighed like she was sorta aggravated,"Five minutes. And that's it..."

"Whatever..." I got up and closed my door in her face.

"Rude...." I heard her grumble

I chuckled to myself and grabbed my going-to-the-store hoodie.


"Okay so what do y'all want for dinner kiddos?" My mom said flipping her chocolate hair over her shoulder as she pushed the basket.

"Ummmm, pizza." I suggested.

Kristen made a face,"Ew, no. Lets have.....enchiladas."

"I like the sound of that..." My mom nodded, "Sorry Kevin. You lose."

I blew my bags out of my face,"Don't I always..."

My mom smiled and gave me a little push, "Go find some jalapenos, tortillas, and....cheese."

I glared at Kristen departed from them.

"Oka-y....." I looked isle to isle for the isle with the jalapenos on them.

Grocery shopping was never my thing. I was just hopping I could get some candy out of it....

I passed up a newspaper rack, "I need to get started on looking for an apartment...."I begin to think aloud.

I grabbed one and read the front page. The headline was like a blast of cold water to the face. It Read:


I quickly threw the newspaper away into a garbage can nearby. I was ready to explode. I was tired of seeing that on the headlines. Its like the news have nothing better to report than the shit they reported like a million times!

"You knew her well didn't you?" I heard a voice from behind me.

I turn around, ready to snap,"Whats it to- Hey..." I stopped myself when I saw the person behind me.

It was a girl. and she was hot.... She had dark brow hair, green eyes, and her face was just. Wow.

"Um, yeah. I was close to her. We were friends...." I told her.

"Oh. I'm so sorry...." She apologized.

"Don't worry, Its not your fault..." Wanting to change the subject, "My name is Kevin." I held out my hand.

"Megan." She shook my hand.

"Megan.." I repeat nodding.

She smiles, "Well I guess I will see you around.."

"Wait." I grab her arm, "Can I have your number?"

"Um, sure.. Its-"

"Kevin!" I heard a familiar voice.

I groaned.

"Oh...I will just...go." Megan shyly walked away.

Mike made his way over to me as Megan left.

"Kevin." He called my name again when he made it to my side.

"YOU ASS!!!" I slap him up-side his head.

"What?" He said rubbing his head.

"I almost got a number from one of the most hottest girls-"

"Aside from Cassie...." Mike muttered.

I gave him a look before continuing," And then you ruined it..."

"Oh well. what I have to say is more important." Mike slapped my chest with the back of his hand.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Its Alan man...I think we need to get him therapy...." Mike said.

"Why?" I gave him a look and then thought about it....Maybe Alan did need therapy...

"He's been so depressed lately..." Mike stated.

I thought about it for a second, "Its been about two weeks Mike....I think we need to hold off on that idea. At least until we really know whats going on... Besides, at least hes hanging out with us."

"Yeah....Do you really think that Cassie would hurt herself." Mike questioned.

"Honestly....I don't know...?" I lowered my voice,"If Cassie were alive right now she'd kill me in five different ways but...She used to be suicidal....She used to cut herself, and overdose on pills, and other crazy things like that..."

Mike Looked like he just saw a ghost, "Why....Why would she do something like that to herself...."

"Because she used to have problems in her house hold that no one would know about... She never really told me, but Alan slipped up and told me that her dad used to beat her and just flat out mistreat her....." I looked down and remembered those day back in middle school (and about 2 years of high school).....

Mike didn't know what to say. Neither did I....

"I guess we learn a lot of things when people die...." Mike mumbled.

"I guess so...-" I agreed

"Kevin!!!" I heard Kristen call, "Where the heck is the stuff that Mom sent you out to find like 10 minutes ago!!!"

I looked at Mike, "Duty calls.."

"Ah, I understand... Its fine ." Mike waved me off.

I gave him a nod and walked over to Kristen.

As I shoved my hands in my pockets I sighed. I guess some secrets just never stay under the surface...

And that is a scary thing...because I have way too many of them. And there is one dark secret in particular that I want NO ONE to know about...
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda short but with lots of things you discover...

What is Kevin's secret? Was he the one who killed Cassie?
And what do you think about finding out about Cassie's dark past?
Could that have anything to do with her murder?

Soon you will find the answers to all of them and more. So stick around.

Please comment and subscribe. Mucho love!!! :)

Next chapter coming up when i have more freetime