Status: Well i will update anytime i get near a computer and have time :)

Here Today...Gone Tomorrow.

I Don't Need Your Help Your NOT Cassie...

Alan POV

My stomach was in knots... I just got a call from Detective Carl. He said that the results of Cassie's autopsy will come in tomorrow and this will determine weather its a homicide or suicide...

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't do anything..... I have been sitting here (Cassie's favorite spot) staring out of my window since I got back from school. It was around 3 in the morning....

My phone rang again, making me jump at the sudden wave of sound. I sighed as I walked over to it and answered it.

"What.." I spoke. I never answered with a "What's up" or "Ello" or "Hey" these days...

"Alan..." It was Megan,I can tell.

"Yes." I sighed.

I can tell she hesitated,"How are you..?"

"I'm doing fine. Is that all you want?" I yawned.

"Ye-....Actually. No. Alan, you need to get some help...."

I had heard this about five million times this week, I sat down and prepared myself for the "Go see a therapist or shrink" speech...

Megan continued, "You can't treat yourself like this."

"Like what?! I'm fine, I'm the same old Alan and-"

"No your not!!!!" Megan shouted.

"You hardly even know me! How are you gonna tell me what I am and what I'm not?" I raised my voice a little.

"Alan....please don't do this.....don't throw your life away over this one girl...."

At that moment,I couldn't handle it anymore. All of the things I held in couldn't stay in anymore, "Shut up! Just shut up!!! You don't understand! Cassie isn't just any ordinary girl! She was my friend! I have been crazy about her since we were just KIDS! I miss her smile! I miss her laugh! I miss her!!! Do know how painful it is to wake up everyday with out that face that completes your day!!! My heart is aching! Its dying! Do you know how hard it is to live with the regret of not telling that one person that you love them! I LOVE CASSIE!! I LOVE HER! Its too late to say it now! SHE'S GONE! So don't try and tell me how to live my life, I can do WHATEVER I want with it! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

I hung up the phone and threw it across the room. I heard it shatter. My face felt like it was on fire. My eyesight blurred, I felt hopeless. I couldn't stop the hot tears from falling, I couldn't stop the loud sobs that escaped my mouth. I buried my face in my hands. I wanted, no, needed Cassie next to me.

I never knew that I really loved Cassie until now, I never really realized that she was gone until now..... The tears didn't stop, the pain throbbed within me, it was unbearable...

I didn't know if I could live like this.....

Kristen POV

"So I told her to move. Plain and simple-"

I was cut off by my brother, "Chick problems...." He sighed.

I smacked him on his head, "Listen to me!!"

"Fine, fine..." Kevin waved his hand in frustration and proceed with looking around the crowded hallway.

"Anyways....." I eyed my brother, "I told her to move, nicely. But I guess that's not good enough so I-"


"Wha-at!!" I whined.

"Alan's coming...." Kevin lowered his voice.

"Hey! Alan." I quickly turned around to greet our fragile friend.

He just nodded.

"In case you forgot to do your homework, I did mine. You can copy it if you want..." I began to shuffle through my messenger bag.

Alan just looked at me.

"You want it or not Alan." Kevin stepped in.

Alan gave Kevin a look that I didn't know what to make of and then faced me, "Thank you...I will, um, give it back to you in 3rd period."

We watched as Alan put a few books in his locker then closed it.

"You wanna go and eat lunch with us at lunch time?" I asked.

"Uh....Busy." He gave me a half-heart ,no, flat out no-heart smile.


"Alan!" Another random girl's voice chimed in.

I looked over to Alan, curious at how how would react.

His face looked as if he could kill a whale with his bare hands.

Alan tried to leave but the girl stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Alan." The girl repeated.

To the left of my Kevin looked shocked, "Megan..."

My head couldn't process all of this, who was this girl?,"Kevin?" I looked at him quizzically

"About last night I wanted to-" The girl started.

"Why can't you just leave me alone! Didn't you get the message?" Alan blew up.


"But nothing! Your so annoying! Why can't you just leave me be! You follow me around like a lost puppy! It's time to find your owner and get out of my face!" Alan gave her a cold look.

Tears began to fall down Megan's face, "I just wanted to say sorry, I just wanted to help....."

"Keep your sorry. And I don't need your help, your not Cassie, and never will be..." And with that Alan turned his back on her.

Everyone in the hallway just stared. I felt kinda bad for Megan, but what ever she did it really pissed him off.

Megan ran out of doge, I can see it in her face that she felt humiliated.

In the blink of an eye Kevin pushed Alan against his locker, "What is your problem!?" He shouted.

"People..." Alan looked at him, "Now move...person..." Alan pushed Kevin's hand out of his way and walked out of the school, handing me my homework on his way out.

Alan POV

My phone rang as I stepped out of the door. I honestly didn't feel like taking any phone calls but I answered anyway.

"What..." I answered.

"Is this Alan Hunter?" The person asked.

I sighed, "This is he...."

"Good well this is Detective Carl and I'm calling you about Cassie's autopsy..."

My heart stopped.

"This is no longer a suicide case...." Detective Carl stated.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO whatcha think!
Questions that need to be answered!.
Sorry I took so long. Its just complications
Hope you likey!! :)