Status: Well i will update anytime i get near a computer and have time :)

Here Today...Gone Tomorrow.

So You're Gonna Just Rain On My Parade...?

Alan POV

It was Friday, the night before the big showcase, Cassie couldn't sleep, neither could I. We where over at my house, to blow off some time and get us tired we decided to study. I know, it was weird, but that's just what we do.

"I'm so psyched!" Cassie looked like she could fly, dancing was he life. She started when she was 13, from then and on she just loved it! I remember when we were walking home from school one day, she wouldn't shut up about her first time dancing. I smirked at this memory. We've known each other since we were about six years old.

"I bet. Now calm down before you break the bed, and study!" I gave her a look.

"Fine......" She huffed.

"And stay...very still......" I slowly pulled my camera out of its bag and hid it behind my back.

She began to lift her head.

"Stop!!! Stay!" I alerted once again.

"What is it!!!" Cassie nearly screamed.

"Shhh....Its...." I needed to come up with something fast, "Its a spider!"

"What!!" She shrieked.

"SHHHHHHHH!!!!" I reminded her, "Its a big stay exactly where you are....Its on your back!"-She squirmed a little bit-"Stay calm I'm going to go get a jar...and then let it outside....One second."

I carefully crawled out of bed, grabbing my camera. I stood in front of her, she was leaned over a book, wearing reading glasses, her red pin staid clamped in her hand.

"Have you found a jar yet...." She whispered.

"No....just give me a second." I positioned my camera and snapped a picture.

Her head snapped up and she glared at me,"You jack-butt!!!!" She threw a pillow at me.

I laughed,"Well....I needed help with a project. And well," I looked at the picture, Cassie was sitting cross-legged on the bed, she looked focused, working, busy, "Its perfect..."

Cassie looked a little flustered when I said that,"Shut up and let me see the picture!"

As she looked at the picture I began to zone out. I needed to break some news to Cassie, I knew she wasn't going to like it but still...I needed to tell her what was on my mind.....,"Cassie...." I hesitated

"Yes..." she said putting the camera down.

"I'm very serious when I say this...." she sat down on the bed, I sat next to her.

"Is someone dying!?" She became worried, I saw it in her face.

I held her hand and began playing with her fingers,"Its about....Dance."

She sighed, a wave of relief washed over her. I smiled a bit, I liked the way she was always worrying about someone other than herself,"That's good...I guess....what about it?"

"I ummmm.......After the showcase I'm leaving dance class....I'm changing my" I hesitated, stuttering with almost every word that came out of my mouth. I held on tight to her hand, waiting for a reaction.

"Well...?" I lowered my head to level with hers.

"Umm....." She pursed her lips, "I'm going to go to sleep...."

"Cassie...." I closed my eyes.

"No, no. I have an important day tomorrow, you know, that solo I have to do, out partner dance...I just need some rest...."

"Cassie, your upset. I can see it on your face." I stopped her.

"Alan...." She sighed, "Let me go to bed...."

"You don't have to sleep on the couch tonight, you can sleep on the bed." I offered.

"No, its fine just let me go..." She was getting frustrated.

I gave up and just hugged her, I knew how much dance meant to her. And even more...I knew how much it joyed her that i was right there with her for all these years...I know this wasn't easy for her to hear.

"Let me go!" she pounded on my chest.

I winced, but i still held on to her. I held her tighter.

"Alan! You're an ass! I hope you know that!!!" He hits slowed until she just gave in and let me embrace her, "You're just going to leave me, just like you do all the time...."

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

'I hate you." She said.

"I know...."


The big showcase was about to start. I was all around nervous. Cassie wouldn't talk to me all day, that kind of thing worried me.

"Okay we are about to go on, the Host is well," Mr. Thompson whispered, "And hes taking a damn long time so, i wanted you all to meet," A girl stepped out from behind Mr. Thompson, "[url=http://URL OF SITE HERE]Megan Rainer[/url] she wasn't able to join us in the beginning of the year with the rest of the freshmen because she had came down with a terrible case of phenomena,but she is up and running and feeling great!"

"Hi." She lifted her hand and then quickly put it back down. Megan, I had to say was pretty hot.

"Okay so we can all talk to Megan later, but now its time to get on stage!" Mr. Thompson pointed to his left, where the stage was, "Now go out there and kill it!!"

Everyone slowly lined up, as we were called on stage. I sighed, it was gonna be a long night.....


It was Me and Cassie's turn next, and then Cassie's solo. And then that would be the end of the showcase

"Finally..." I sighed

I stood on my end of the stage, behind the deep black curtains and Cassie stood on the opposite side. We were waiting for our song ("Cosmic Love" by Florence and The Machine) to begin.

I stood there patently as the song started, and Cassie's mini solo began. Then I came out when the chorus began. As we danced I was so happy, because it was the first time today we were around each other.

Our dance was a bit.... intense you might say. Our bodies were always touching or my hands were always one her. I remember when we first started on our dance. It was sweet and innocent, but Mr. Thompson didn't approve. He said it needed to be dangerous, provocative, thirsty. And well, that's what hes getting.

Sooner than i wanted the son ended and I had to leave. I didn't want to, but I had to. Cassie staid on the stage for her solo, the last performance of the night. Her song "Consequence" by The Notwist began and I headed over to the dressing room to pack my things.

When I made it to the dressing room, I spotted Peyton Zilliot standing next to Cassie's things. Peyton was the last person in this world I'd expect to see. the last time I'd seen him, he was being carried out in hand-cuffs. Peyton isn't exactly a good guy. Hes well...a jail bird. He was always there 24/7. But his parents were rich, so he can get bailed out when ever he got in trouble. Some people had all the luck...

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing over here?!" I questioned.

"Well, that teacher over there let backstage. I'm here to see Cassie, we're going out after this...thing." He shrugged his shoulders.

"You aren't taking Cassie anywhere..." I hissed.

"Yeah... I am." He almost smirked.

I shoved him, "Cassie may not know about you, but [i}I do. You aren't going anywhere with her." I'll always protect Cassie. It was just an instinct. No one would ever hurt her if i were around.

He tensed up, "Lets just see if you can stop me..."

"Hey! Peyton! You actually came?" Cassie's voice shattered the throw-down that was just about to happen.

"Yeah You-"

Peyton was cut off by a woman entering the dressing room,"May I speak with Cassie Holmes and Simone Richards!" She called, Mr.Thompson was standing next to the woman. Her hair was brown and grays. She looked about 40.

Cassie's face lit up, "I'll see you two in a bit." She headed over to to the woman.

I watched her walk (almost skipping) to the woman.

I was left standing next to Peyton. I didn't have anything else to say to the prick...I've said all that I needed to.

Five minutes later Cassie came back smiling so wide, China could probably see it, "One of the dance companies had offered me a job internship for a year at one of their locations in Italy!!!" Cassie held up a card with the woman's name, number, and email on it," She wants me to meet her and some other members of the company this coming Friday after school! Can you believe it!!!!" Cassie jumped.

"Cassie...That's wonderful!!!! You're just amazing!" I smiled, pulling her into a big bear hug.

"Thank you." She said whipping a joyful tear from her eye.

"Well, umm Peyton. You can wait for me in the front of the school. I'll meet you there." I smiled.

Peyton tensed up, "Okay."

When he left the room, Cassie began to un-dress.

"Cassie...I have to tell you something..." I leaned against a wall.

"Yeah..." She doubtfully answered me, pulling on her pants

"It's about Peyton...." I sighed, "I don't want you going anywhere with him...." The room was clearing of people as we spoke.

"Last time I checked Alan, you aren't my father." She said with a little attitude.

"Cassie, listen to me. This guy has a reputation, and its not a good one..." I warned.

"Look, Alan." Cassie was looking in a mirror, applying eyeliner, "You go around messing around with all kinds of girls with these bad reputations and you never here me say anything,now do you?" She finished her make-up and turned to face me.

"No, but Cassie, hes a bad guy..." I said

"And you go out with bad girls....Besides, I like bad guys." Cassie grinned.

"Cassie!! This isn't funny! He will take advantage of you!" Stepped up to her and shook her as I spoke.

"Alan!" You're hurting me!!!" She whined, "Let go of me"

She yanked herself from my grip.

"Cassie....If you get in that car with Peyton.....You don't have to worry about me ever again." My voice was low, and dangerous.

"Is that a promise?" Cassie snapped.

We stood there in since, just the two of us. It was a silicone that could kill.

"If he does anything to you....I'll be happy to say I told you so." I left the room. I was furious. How can she want to be with some one that's she's known for less than 24 hours over some one shes know for 13 years.... I couldn't believe her right now....But i guess, she'll know soon enough, who she should have trusted.

Cassie POV

Who did Alan think he was? He had no right......

I marched down the halls of the school. It was a bit creeper here with no one around i must say....I sighed, So Alan just rained on my parade......Great.

"Hey! Miss Cassie! Wait up!" I hear a female voice from behind me!

I stopped to turn around, it was Megan. I was kind of jealous of her already, she was super beautiful, and I saw the way all the guys were looking at her when Mr.Thompson introduced her to the freshmen dance class.

"Ummm, Hi." I said.

"Hey. My name is Megan...Do you think you have a minute." She smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please tell me how i did. After this chapter, things will just start to roll.

Please please please comment to let me know how, because idk if im really doing a good job :/ . So if you can please comment. I'd love it, and it will make my day in mannnnny ways.
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