Status: Well i will update anytime i get near a computer and have time :)

Here Today...Gone Tomorrow.

Where Did You Go?

Alan POV

"Okay class,don't forget about your project photos along with your 4 page essay about what inspired you to take the photo, MLA format please. That is all due in two weeks. I want no excuses for not turning it in. You are all dismissed." Professor Thomas informed.

I closed my laptop and headed out the door.

"Hey bro!" Kevin shouted from across the hall as i stepped out of the room.

"Sup." I said walking up to him.

"Have you seen Cassie lately?" Kevin asked.

"No...Why?" I ran my fingers though my hair, annoyed.

"Because ya know she has that interview tomorrow, and of all people you should know." Kevin and I began walking to the Parking Lott.

"Well, I don't know where she is and I don't want to know..." I huffed.

"Well, she hasn't been to school in a week, she's probably sick. You know how she is with that..." Kevin chuckled once, "She doesn't tell anyone because she doesn't want anyone to worry about her...." Kevin stopped walking, " Shes a good person...She goes to church, gets good grades, treats everyone equally, a peace maker....."

A week....That's the longest i ever went without seeing Cassie, ever....

I looked at Kevin, I can tell something was bothering him, "Whats up man?"

"Ah.. nothing," he scratched his head, "Here give this to her will ya?" He handed me a Get Well Soon Card, "Its from me and Kristen."

"But-" I protested.

Kevin looked at his watch, "Shit.....I gotta go." He ran off.

I stood there holding the card I'm my hand. I wasn't ready to talk to Cassie yet, I don't think she was ready to see me yet..... I just don't know....


I sat on my bed, it was about 8:30 at night. The that card was sitting on my small computer desk. I'd been contemplating on weather to bring the card or not. It wasn't and easy decision.

After a few more hard thinking minutes I decided to bring it to her and then leave.

I hopped in my car and headed over to Cassie's house.

I didnt know what it was with her, but everytime we get in a fight I'm always the one to give up and try to make her forgive me. Even if its her thats wrong.

I hit the steering wheel.

"How?!" I shouted. I wanted to be mad at Cassie has this way of getting me to give up.

In all truth i wanted to be mad, but I just couldn't.

I sighed, this was never going to be easy. I was so used to winning when it came down to girls. But, Cassie's no ordinary girl. I remember back Elementary school, when we were six. I would always try and charm her, but it would never work.

"That's very inappropriate and as friends i don't think you should be doing that." She would shake her head.

But somehow it would always work with the other girls. Their knees would turn into jell-o. I smirked at this memory.

When me and my past girlfriends would get into an argument I would be the one they would come crawling to at the end of the day. I was so used to winning, so used to being the one who stayed on top. But things truly change i guess.... And now. I think i was open to losing. If it was Cassie i was losing to.

I pulled up in a parking space closest to her house. I sighed aloud, looking at the card i held out in front of me.

"I can do this..." I muttered as i shut the car door behind me.

About five minutes later I made it up to her door. I lifted my fist up to the wooden barrier that kept me away from Cassie. Finally, I knocked on the door then waited. No answer. I tried again. Still no answer....

My heart laterally sunk. She probably knew it was me, and didn't want to answer the door.

My head slumped a little. I began to turn around until the door opened. I looked behind me expecting to see Cassie. But no one was there....

I stepped into the apartment. As soon as I did so, Toto, Cassie's dog had came from around the corner.

"Cassie!" I called out.

No reply.

"Cassie!!!" I called again.

Still nothing.

Usually Toto would be growling at me, but surprisingly he was whimpering...

"Hey buddy...." I leaned down to pet Toto, "Wheres Cassie?" I asked.

He just looked at me, then he bit down on the cuff of my jacket and began to drag me to Cassie's room. I didn't even hesitate to follow.

When I got the the room was cold. It looked as if no sign of life had been present in the room for quite a while.

Over on the other side of the room Toto began to howl. I jumped and then immediately looked in his direction. My mouth dropped at the sight.

There was glass every where. Cassie's window was broken, And not just broken....There was little drips of blood on the floor...

I began to breathe heavily as I looked out the window. But to my surprise there was nothing on the ground below.

I let out a sigh of relief. But I had to find one last thing out. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Cassie's number.

It automatically sent me to Cassie's voice-mail.....

I froze. If it was one thing I knew about Cassie, it was that she never EVER let her phone die... I came to the reality that Cassie wasn't sick....she was missing....
♠ ♠ ♠
Well. This is when things start taking a turn the the wild side. :) i hope you like :D

one last thing, I dont really think im doing so great with these i might be quitting the story. So please let me get some kind of response from you guys, even if its one person. I would LOVE that :)