Status: Well i will update anytime i get near a computer and have time :)

Here Today...Gone Tomorrow.

I Think I'm Losing It...

Mike POV

Its been roughly about two weeks until Cassie had been reported missing. We were all going crazy when we first heard about it. I looked around my table. We were at Starbucks as usual, but it was quiet and that was very un-usual.... I looked at every one.

Alan looked as if he hadn't slept in days.

Kevin looked paranoid.

And Kirsten looked like she'd been crying for quite a while.

"You guys...." I mumbled a little.

"I'm trying to study...." Kevin blankly cut me off. Although there was no book out in front of him.

I looked over at Kristin. She was about to break. I can tell. So I took her by the arm and brought her out side.

"What do you think your doing!" Kristen snarled.

"I'm not stupid." I simply said.

"What are you talking about." She huffed.

"You want to cry. I can see it in your eyes that you do." I just simply said.

She looked a little shocked, but she had nothing to say.

"You don't have to hold it in around me Kristen..." I turned away from her. As much as it would have satisfied me to see her in tears before, I dont think that really fits my satisfaction list anymore......

"Shut up!" She pushed me.

I just stood there.

"Don't act like this just because Cassie's gone! You hate me I hate you! Its always been that way so dont try and change it!" I can hear it in her voice that she was crying.

"Cassie is not gone..." I whispered, "Shes missing and they will find her. I can promise you that."

Kristen kept stopped pushing and let her arms hang at her side, "Promise...?"

"I promise." I felt uneasy when i said those words, because I was making a promise that i couldn't keep.

Alan POV

I was laid out on my bed. I couldn't sleep. As usual..... I flipped over on my stomach and reached for my backpack. I decided to work on my photography project. It had been extended two more weeks and I haven't even started the paper....

I took my laptop out of its case and placed it in front of me and began to write:

Alan Hunter

I typed. Then looked out my window....

Where is Cassie.....My mind began to wonder.

"Damn it!!!" I hissed, shutting my laptop

I flipped back over on my back and stared at my ceiling. Cassie was going to come back. No one could hurt a person like her.....Why would someone want to hurt her?

I couldn't close my eyes...

Until I knew Cassie was right here, right next to me....That's when I would sleep peacefully....But shes not here. This was driving me insane. I might lose it! Cassie and I have never been away from each other for this long....I wonder what she is doing right now. She is probably on her way home. Or trying to call me......

I wondered about all the possible things Cassie could be doing, the good and the bad....

Bad....... I thought

Peyton! I realized. Cassie was last with Peyton.... He knows where she is! He has Cassie!

I sat up. Now i definitely couldn't sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to find him.....and when I do....he's gonna wish I hadn't.


I sat out in the halls of the school. waiting for Peyton's face to show..... I had been standing here for about 5 minutes now. I could stand here for 50 years if i had to...just to hunt that sick-

In an blink of the eye Peyton was right there just about 12 feet away from me. I clenched my fists and headed over to him.

"Where the hell is Cassie...." My voice sounded way louder than it was suppose to.

"What the hell are you talking about." He made a face.

"I know you know where Cassie is! She went missing the night she was with you!" I shoved him.

"Look, you better calm down. We need to talk about this somewhere else..." Peyton lowered his voice.

"No! I want to know where Cassie is now!" I threw my backpack off my shoulders.


I couldn't stand to here his voice anymore, my mind was about to explode! I just threw my fist at Peyton's face.

He stumbled back and then looked at me, angered now. His fist hit me dead in my stomach. I hunched over, gasping for air. Before I could recover, Peyton was being carried by the police.

I tried to catch up with the police. They had the answer to all questions right in there hands! I was exasperated, but I kept going after them. They seemed to be walking 100 miles per hour, but in reality they were probably walking as fast as a turtle.

Almost there, I was slowly catching my breath again. I was about five feet away, I reached out to them as my world went pitch black....
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thank you for your support :
sinfull nightstalker and
Yay Its Alex!

You two are so awesome and i thank you sooo much :)

This is just the begining... trust me this story's a shocker (hopefully)