Status: Well i will update anytime i get near a computer and have time :)

Here Today...Gone Tomorrow.

WIll My Life EVER Be The Same...I Think Thats a Negitve

Kevin POV

"Well kids....I have some good news and sadly some bad news..." Detective Carl sighed.

"What is the good news?" Alan anxiously stood.

"The good news is.... We found Miss Cassie Holmes."

I looked over to Alan instinctively. He looked like he could fly. His face lit up with delight,"Where is she? Where is Cassie??" Alan looked like a puppy that found his long lost owner.

Detective Carl looked down.

"What is the bad news detective...?" I was the only one in the room willing to ask the question.

"I'm so sorry kids....." Detective Carl hesitated.

"Whats wrong." Alan was frantic now.

"She.....She um committed suicide....." Alan dropped back down on the bed and Kristen covered her mouth then burst into tears and Mike began shedding a few tears also, "We found her in this old house...her throat was slit and we found a knife in her hand. We are not completely sure that she did it her self, we are working on that but until then this is a suicide case.....I'm sorry."

"Thank you for telling us Detective." I lowered my head trying to fight back tears.

I looked over to Alan, there was no expression on his face....there was nothing there. I was waiting for something to happen but there was nothing........

"I will leave you guys be. But if anything comes up I will let you guys know..." With that Detective Carl left the room.

I looked around the room. Mike punched the wall as his tears endlessly fell down his face, Kristen was hugging herself sobbing aloud. I walked over to Alan who just sat there staring....

"Alan...." I didn't know what to say. Alan was in love with Cassie. He may not admit it, but everyone knows he does....

"Kevin.....Just....Just don't..." Alan bit down on his bottom lip.

All I could say was, "Okay." Of all things....i said okay. I didn't like that word at the moment, because from this day and on.....nothing would ever be okay.....


Alan POV

I sat alone in the court yard for lunch. I wasn't hungry. I didn't really eat much these days. It's been a week, which felt like years.... We have yet to get any info from Dr. Jen, the doctor doing the autopsy on Cassie.

Thinking about Cassie being dead....It brought my whole world down. I can't feel anything. I can't cry, or get angry, or try and move on.... All I do is sit around and wait for the day to be over....

When people pass me in the halls they don't talk to me they just give me those stupid symitheic looks. I think they are all a load of crap. They don't know what i am going through...they dont understand.....

It was my fault that Cassie died. I will never forgive myself for it. If only I hadn't said those things. If only I hadn't been worrying about myself.....

Its all your fault... a voice in my head spoke.

I slammed my eyes closed and ran my hand through my hair.

"Why....?" I muttered.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I almost hit the person in the face, but when I turned around it was Mr. Thompson.

"Hey kid." He said.

I took a deep breath,"Hi."

"Awww c'mon. Why you so down?" He gave a stern pat on my shoulder.

"It's Cassie....." I looked down. He'd have to know sooner or later I thought.

The look on his face surprised me a little, it was liken something pissed him off, "What happened?"

"Ummm. She died....About nine days ago..." It hurt so bad to say those words. Like a thousand needles puncturing my heart.

"Oh no...." Mr. Thompson put a hand over his mouth and ran off.

I tilted my head a bit with confusion then shrugged.

Now that Cassie's gone....I don't think my life will ever be the same....And this is just the beginning of it all....
♠ ♠ ♠
I know. I have had you ALL waiting for this chapter and its a short one...
I apologize. If i continued it would be WAYYY too long...

I <3 you guys for staying with me on this one :)
Please comment. Give me some feedback on what you think on this sudden turn!
Next chapter coming soon.
Stay awesome :D