Frozen Kiss

Newly Found Happiness

~ Andy’s POV ~

“I’ll text you later okay?” I said as she walked me to the door. Her older brother Tyde was awake and standing at the door.

“So that’s your car, I presume?” he said blocking the exit.

“Err, yeah. Sorry about that.” I said not knowing how to respond. Do I call him Tyde or sir or whatever?

“And you are?” he continued.

“I’m Andy, Zanthia’s friend.” I replied. Zanthia intercepted the conversation. Saving me from embarrassment.

“Tyde, This is Andy. Andy this is my big brother Tyde. Tyde, Andy has to get going because he left Bradie and Shaun unsupervised.” She smiled at me then at Tyde. He gave me a nod then put his hand out. I shook it.

“I must be going now Tyde. It wasn’t smart of me to leave the young ones at home.” I chuckled and Zanthia walked me to my car.

“Zanthia, call me, text me whenever okay. It could be 4am; I don’t care. If you need me I’ll be there.”

She gave me a nod and a smile and I left. Who could do that to her? The bastard has pretty much ruined her life. Her Dad! Of all people… I can’t stand to think about it.

Bradie and Shaun were waiting outside for my return as I pull up in the drive.

“What took you so long?” Bradie queried.

“I was meeting her brother Tyde.” I said massaging my neck. “Come on Bradie we need to get home.”

~ Zanthia’s POV ~

I forgot to tell Andy the final touch to the story. I better text him now. Just so he knows everything.

- Andy, when Tyde took me away he told me that Dad had died in a workplace accident. My Mum left when I was 10. :| -

I wandered around my room until my phone went off, a text from Andy.

- ☹ -hugs- I’m here for you if you need remember. –

I smiled at his text. He really cares. I think I’ve found someone I can really trust. And I love the feeling. I turn some music on. Pink Floyd. I love it. I lay down on my bed and bask in my newly found happiness.
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Aww Zanthia's feeling better :3