Frozen Kiss

Murphy's Law

The next few weeks pass by fast. Bradie and Shaun keep telling me that Andy likes me. I don’t believe them though. We’re just friends and even if he did like me; I would reckon that he would tell me. My phone went off. I dived for my bed and snatched it up to answer it.

“Hello.” I said. It was Andy, asking me if I wanted to go to the movies. “Sure! 6pm sound fine?” I hang up the phone and walk over to my mirror. I stare at myself and smile. I go and get ready. A slight red light went off in the back of my mind, 'Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. It will...' my mind was shouting it at me. I shake the subconscious scream away and finish getting ready.

“Zanthia!” Tyde called. “Your friends are here!” I run downstairs.

I see Tyde whispering something to Andy. Andy nods, smiles and then allows me out to the car where Shaun and Bradie were waiting. I get into the car and wave to Tyde while we pull out of the drive.

After half an hour driving and an additional ten minutes looking for a park we arrived at the cinema. It was packed to the rafters. The line seemed to go on forever.

“What movie are we going to see guys? Cos’ we need to pick now.” Yelled out Andy over the noise and looking at the line.

“Something funny!” I yelled with a huge grin on my face. No one objected, we got our tickets and jumped in line to our cinema room. Once we got into the room we ran up to the back. Shaun throwing popcorn at Bradie on the way.

As we leave the cinema I check my phone for the time. It was almost 10:30.

“Everyone’s crashing at my place, so feel free to stay over, Zanth.” Andy smiled at me as we walked into the busy street. A huge crowd of people rushed past me and I was separated from the boys.

I felt a hand slither over my mouth and I was thrown into a car. I hear Andy’s cry in the distance.