Frozen Kiss

I'm Sorry...

~Andy’s POV~

“ZANTHIA!” I see her being dragged into a black car. I run over to the car pushing my way through the busy self-absorbed street. The car takes off a quick as I get to it.

“Bradie, Shaun! Someone’s taken Zanthia!” I call out close to tears.

“What? Where?” said Shaun jumping into the driver seat of my car.

“Just go! Follow that black car Shaun.” I yell.

We take off down the road. The car disappeared into the traffic. I widen my eyes trying to find it. It’s no good. It’s gone.

“We can’t let whoever took her get away… Shaun find an opening!”

“Andy! I can’t we’re stuck here!” Shaun was stressing as much as I was and Bradie quietly became invisible.

“I’m not just going to sit here!” I yell as I open the car door and run down the road. I see Bradie catch up to me.

“We need to ask if anyone saw the car.” Bradie suggested. I nodded in agreement. We ran up the street and asked if anyone had seen the car.

“Excuse me, did you happen to see a black car, uh looked new, BMW?” I asked a lady in a quick panic.

“Yes, I did. It went down that street just there.” As she said that Shaun came up in our car and opened the passenger seat for me. –What great timing-

“Found it?” Shaun called from inside the car.

“I think so!” I yelled back to Shaun. “Thankyou” I said as Bradie and I got back into the car.
We drove around to the street she pointed at and sure enough the car was parked at what seemed to be an abandoned apartment block. Shaun, Bradie and I get out of the car and quickly brush our eyes over the building.

“How do we get in there?” I asked them panicking. Shaun went over to a boarded up window, and tried to break the boards off.

“Bradie! Help me out!” Shaun called from the old window. With Bradie’s help they got the window open.

I went in first and then Shaun and Bradie followed. It was a dark so I had to feel around for a door, that would hopefully be and exit. After around 10 minutes of feeling around Bradie found a door. We move into a hallway. I hear a noise from above.

“Shhh” I whisper harshly. “I hear movement. From upstairs.”

We run up two flights of stairs until we found the floor the noise was coming from. The scraping of feet brought shivers down my spine. –What if she’s dead?- I was silently panicking away to the beat of our unstable footsteps.

“Hey, that door has light coming out from under it.” Bradie whispered. I saw what he was talking about. In a very dimly lit hallway, the light was unmistakeable. We tip-toe up to the door, I carefully put my ear up to the old rusted mouldy door and hear faint mumbling and cursing.
“I’m going in…” I whispered to Bradie and Shaun.

I kick the door open and there was tall well-built man standing in the centre of the room. Behind him, there seemed to be mattress.

“What have you done with Zanthia?” I yell. He smiles a vicious grin, and then laughs.

“What are you? Her boyfriend?” he laughed. I can’t see behind him, I can’t see if Zanthia is okay. He follows my eyes and then moves aside, only to leave me starring at an unconscious Zanthia. My mouth drops. The man laughs, then runs up and slams me into the fragile wall. Shaun and Bradie run in and grab what they can and weld what they have into the mans body. The man falls to the ground.

“Andy! Help Zanthia!” Shaun yells out while he and Bradie are fighting off the man.

I run over to Zanthia. Her face is all bruised and I trail my eyes down to her legs, everything is bruised and there’s a fair bit of blood around her and the mattress. I try to be strong but I can’t hold in the tears.

“You’ll be okay…” I whisper to her while I grab out my phone and ring the police and an ambulance.

The man was now unconscious, and Shaun and Bradie wait and look over Zanthia until the ambulance and the police arrive. Tears ran down Shaun and Bradie’s eyes. I had never felt so weak before now. I hear footsteps and careful chatter. A policeman popped is head through the broken door. His eyes widened as he looked at me, Shaun, Bradie and Zanthia. Then his eyes trailed down to the man on the floor.

“They’re here! Bring in the paramedics!” He called into his walkie-talkie. The paramedics brought in a stretcher and the works.

“Please move, we need to get her to the hospital. She seems to have lost a bit of blood.”

We moved out of the paramedic’s way and the policeman came over to us.

“What happened here boys? I know you’re in shock but we need to know the details.” The policeman said while he got out his notepad. Shaun and Bradie explained what had happened, I’m too shaken up to speak.

Shaun tugged me out of my trance of shock and said we could go to the hospital.

“We need to call Tyde. Fuck! What will he say, I… I, fucking hell!”

Shaun and Bradie exchanged glances and Bradie wiped away his tears.

Once we got to the hospital we went straight to her room. She was unconscious. Whoever that man was beat her so hard she’s still knocked out.

“She’s very fragile right now. Don’t touch her…” the was cut off by Tyde’s entrance.

His jaw hit the floor. His eyes welled up with tears and he lost the entire colour in his face. He death starred me right in the face.

“What happened!” Tyde yelled at me. The doctor stopped Tyde in his tracks.

“You must be the… brother?” said the doctor calmly. Tyde nodded. “Come this way please.”

They both walked into the hallway. Then suddenly Tyde fell to his knees and lost it. The doctor sat with him and comforted him.

I turn and walk over to Zanthia.

“I’m sorry…” I whisper.