Frozen Kiss

The First Day

I woke up to Tyde ripping the doona off me.

“Look alive Sunshine” He grinned, he was quoting something from My Chemical Romances’ album, so I couldn’t help but smile back. I wandered back into my room and stood in front of my mirror. ‘I look like shit’ I thought ruffling my hair. I went and had a shower while I tried to shake the memories of last night’s nightmare out of my head.

Once out of the shower I looked through my box of unpacked clothing. I put on my Smokey grey skinny jeans, a My Chem t-shirt, black hoodie and my blue converses. I starred at myself through the mirror and wondered what to do with my hair… I just brushed my side fringe to the side and straightened it. A little bit of eyeliner and I was ready to go.

“Zanth!” called Tyde from downstairs, “You need to get a move on!”
I looked at my phone and it was already 8:30am, I grumbled at the time, grabbed my backpack then walked downstairs. I found Tyde in his working suit and sipping at coffee. I’m 17 and Tyde is 25. He’s working to support us. It must be hard for him, but he seems happy all the time, well; most of the time. We had just moved to Budgewoi from Melbourne.

Why did we move so far away you ask? Because Tyde got a promotion with his job, causing us to move way up North. It doesn’t mind me very much; I didn’t have any friends in Melbourne. It’s the school and the teachers I’m going to miss, I have to get used to brand new teachers and brand new rules. I just hope I get left alone.
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What do you think so far? (: Comments would be lovely (: