Frozen Kiss

Introduce Yourself!

~ Andy’s POV ~

“Class, This is our new student Zanthia Mayson. Please make her feel welcome and help her out if she needs it.” The teacher smiled. “Zanthia, my name is Mrs Frost” she smiled and pointed to a free seat. She sat down. Zanthia! That’s her name! She was sitting next to Jeremy (-___-) He is so cold hearted. He’ll do anything to melt the ice in his veins. I heard Jeremy introduce himself. She only nodded. HA! She is not impressed.
A ball of paper flies through the air and hits Zanthia on head. She turned around and starred at me. I freeze; it wasn’t even me who threw it! It was Shaun, he is sitting behind me and I’m sitting behind Zanthia.
“Uh…” I stuttered. “It wasn’t me I swear.”
She gave me a deeper stare. She didn’t smile nor frown. I looked deep into her eyes; I saw slight panic hit her. She turned around quickly. She shook her head then got her pens out. Why did she shake her head?

~ Zanthia’s POV ~

‘What the…” A ball of paper hit me on the head. I don’t need this. Why me? I turn around and see… a really handsome guy. He has blue eyes and a lip stud. I couldn’t help but stare into his eyes. He stuttered.
“Uh… It wasn’t me I swear”
I stare deeper into his eyes. Then I realise, I’ve seen eyes like that before. I turn back around and look at the whiteboard. I shake my head to get the memories of the nightmare out, why is the past messing with the present? Why!? I get my pens out and start taking notes.

The bell rings. It is lunch already? Doesn’t the time just fly by when you’re having fun? Note the sarcasm. (-___-) I sit on a vacant seat near a graffiti wall and turn my iPod on, select some My Chemical Romance and I’m in my own little world. I was so tuned out I didn’t even notice the guy from my classes come and sit down.
“Oh… uh…” I can feel the panic race through me. Keep your cool Zanthia goddamnit! “Hi…”
“Hi” He smiles, a welcoming smile. “I’m Andy”
“I’m Zanth…” I get interrupted.
“Zanthia, I know” He smiles again. “So where have you transferred in from?”
“Melbourne” I said looking through playlists trying to keep myself calm.
“That’s ages away, what made you move here?” he asks. He is actually making an effort to get to know me.

“My brother got a promotion for his job, so we had to move up here.” I put my iPod away and look at him. His smile was absolutely gorgeous.
“Where are you’re parents at?” he queried. I frown, I can help it, and it’s automatic.
“They’re distant.” Is all I can say, I am upset now. I pull my iPod out again.
“Oh, okay. Since you’re new here I can be your guide. Only if you need one that is.” He said shyly.
“Um… okay. Thanks. I gotta get a move on. Math next and such. Bye.” I get up quickly and walk quickly away towards my locker.

~ Andy’s POV ~

“Bradie, I can’t just go over to her! She’ll think I’m weird.” I said glaring at Bradie.
“We know you’re weird. Just go and talk to her.” Shaun said butting in and pushing me into her direction.
I walk over to her. She’s zoned out to her music. I sit down across from her. She takes out her headphones and looks at me.

“Oh… uh…” she’s stuttering. “Hi…”
“Hi” I smile hoping that is going to kill the awkwardness. “I’m Andy.”
“I’m Zanth…”
“Zanthia, I know.” Crap I cut her off. This is going to crash and burn I can feel it. Continue the conversation you idiot, Andy! “So where have you transferred in from?”
“Melbourne” she’s fiddling with her iPod. Am I boring her?
“That’s ages away, what made you move here?” I ask running out of ideas.
“My brother a promotion for his job, so we had to move up here.” She’s putting her iPod away, no longer a crash and burn situation.
“Where are your parents at?” I ask. She’s frowning. Why is she frowning? This is a sensitive topic obviously Andy! Duh! Crash and burn! Crash and burn!

“They’re distant.” she’s being quiet now. Good going Andy!
“Oh, okay. Since you’re new here I can be your guide. Only if you need one that is.” That was a stupid thing to say (-__-) what are you doing Andy?
“Um… okay. Thanks. I gotta get a move on. Math next and such. Bye.” She gets up and quickly walks away.

I make my way back to Bradie and Shaun.
“How’d it go?” Shaun asks.
“Good… sort of.” I reply awkwardly.
“Oh… damn. Well I have Math next so I better get going guys. See yas after.” Bradie makes his way towards the lockers. I have an idea.
“Bradie!” I shout. He turns around and shouts back.
“What?” I run over to him and ask him to talk to Zanthia while they’re in Math together.
“Andy, I know I’m your brother and all. But can’t you chase your own girls?” Bradie says trying to walk away.
“Listen, I just want her to have some friends. She was looking pretty lonely.” I plea.
“Okay then. I should ask her to meet up with us… somewhere. Like the park or something yeah?”
“Yeah, yeah!” I reply. I watch Bradie walk off and I turn back to Shaun.
“Music class now yeah?” Shaun says.
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