Frozen Kiss

A Kind Invitation

~ Zanthia’s POV ~

The bell rang for the end of the day. First day of school done. Now to get home before someone tries to make casual conversation. Too late, a guy with brown hair, scene cut came over to me.
“Hey Zanthia.” He said smiling. I had no idea who he was.
“Hi.” I replied.
“Andy wanted me to ask you if you would like to come to the park with us at around 6? You’re new here and we like new friends.” He grinned broadly. “I’m Bradie, by the way.” They want to hang out with me? But… guys make me nervous. In a worry that he would get upset or something I agreed.

“Um… Okay” I stuttered. “Park at 6?” I was starring at my shoes now. I was panicking.
“Cool. See you then.” He smiled and walked away. What just happened?
I open the front door to my new home; Tyde wasn’t home yet. Which left me time to finish unpacking. While rummaging through boxes I found my stereo and lead for my iPod. Score! I set it all up and put on some My Chemical Romance. I opened up my laptop and logged onto ebuddy (for msn was being stupid… as usual). I don’t know why I logged on; I only had family in my contacts, and it wasn’t family worth speaking to. I shut the lid of my laptop.

I heard the front door open and slam shut. Tyde was home. I briskly walked down stairs to see how he was.

“How was you day?” I asked leaning up against the fridge with my arms folded. Tyde opened the fridge and grabbed out a ‘Carlton Light’.
“Busy.” He said taking his drink into the lounge room. “Very busy. How was your day?”
I recalled my memory of the day and remembered Andy. I shook it away as fast as I could.
“Okay I guess. No one gave me trouble, it’s hard to get given trouble when no one talks to you.” I said slumping down into an armchair.
Tyde gave me one of his ‘I’m sure SOMEONE talked to you’ looks. I gave in.
“This guy Andy talked to me. He offered to be my guide if I needed help around school and such; and he invited me to go to the park at 6 to meet his friends. He got his friend Bradie to ask me.”
Tyde raised an eyebrow. “A guy? Multiple guys?” he quizzed.
“Yes, Tyde. A guy. Uh and yeah.” I didn’t know how to answer the question. I gave a nod of confirmation and went upstairs again to my room. I collapsed onto my bed. I need fresh air.
“Tyde, I’m going for a walk.” I said opening the front door.
“Okay, call me if anything happens. I can come and get you.”

I closed the door behind me and walked in the direction of the park. I checked my phone; it was 5:50pm. I was early. I went and sat under a nearby tree. It was quiet, peaceful. I closed my eyes.

~ Andy’s POV ~

Bradie, Shaun and I were walking to the park. I looked at my phone; it was 5:50pm.
“Come on guys.” I said “Or we’ll be late.” I didn’t know what to expect. What if she wasn’t going to turn up?
“Hey there she is” Bradie said pointing over to a tree. She was sitting under it with her eyes closed. I walked up to her.

“Hi Zanthia.” I said waving my hand in front of her face.
“Oh… hey Andy” she stuttered a little bit, but not as much as she did at lunch today.
“How long have you been here for?” I asked her smiling.
“Not long, about 5 minutes.” She didn’t stutter that time.
“Well let me introduce you to my step brother Bradie and my friend Shaun.” I pointed to them to clarify who was which. She smiled and nodded. She looked at Shaun with an odd look.
“I think I ran into you today, Shaun.” She said suddenly.
“As in, in the hallway? Did I say watch it? Or something of that description to you?” Shaun replied vaguely remembering the days events.
“Yeah, I said sorry.” Zanthia was starring at her shoes. Shaun laughed.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” Zanthia stood up to face us properly.
“Let’s do a walk around aiee?” I suggested. Everyone nodded and we started off.
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Okay, I have a problem with past and present tense -___- Please excuse that. Haha comments would be lovely my deary's :P