Frozen Kiss

No. Freakin. Way.

~ Zanthia’s POV ~

Andy, Shaun, Bradie and I were all walking around the park. Just talking on random topics. The music was mentioned.
“What type of music are you into Zanth?” Andy asked. This question confused me. I was into so many bands and into so much music it was almost unbelievable.
“I like a wide range of stuff. From My Chemical Romance to Tom Petty; from Kesha to Phideaux.” I replied. They looked surprised.
“Wow, really?” Bradie asked astonished. “I’ve never met a girl that likes such a wide range of stuff. Most of the girls here are very genre orientated. Like, they stick to one or two genres.”
“Who’s Phideaux?” asked Shaun. I explained everything about Phideaux.

I had the sudden urge to ask a question.
“What kind of superheroes do you guys like, or just stuff like that.” I quizzed them.
“Spider-Man!” Bradie said with an ear-to-ear grin.
“Astroboy all the way!” said Andy.
“I like Pokémon.” Laughed Shaun.

We sat around and talked about random stuff until my phone started ringing. They all looked at me while I answered it.
“Hello?” I said into my phone.
“Zanthia! Where are you? Do you have any idea what time it is? Are you Okay!?” It was Tyde… in a frantic panic. I could tell the guys could hear Tyde yelling frantically through my phone. “Yes, Tyde. I’m fine. I’ll be home... uh, soon. I’m on my way.” I hung up.
“I take it you have to go?” said Andy. Bradie and Shaun were laughing.
“Haha, Yeah. I do. I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow.” I was smiling. Really smiling. I had friends. For the first time in years.
“Yeah, definitely. Oh wait, where do you live?” Andy ran towards me while I was making my way.
“24 Jayson Avenue!” I said. I looked at Andy with a smile. He returned my smile with a huge grin. He took my arm and wrote some numbers on it. He grinned again and walked back to his friends.
When I arrived home Tyde was standing in the kitchen with a half relieved-half angry expression. My dinner was on the bench, pasta. Yum.
“So who are your new friends?” Tyde asked me taking a mouthful of pasta and starring at my pen covered arm.
“Andy, Bradie and Shaun.” I replied slurping down the pasta sauce.
“Why do those names ring a bell?” Tyde asked. He picked up the local newspaper and flipped through the pages. Please don’t tell me they’re convicted criminals…
“Here we go. ‘Local Budgewoi band Short Stack release first album.’” Quoted Tyde. I snatched the newspaper off Tyde.

Short Stack! Why did I not twig! I love their music. I can’t believe… That was so oblivious to me! When I had finished my dinner I dropped my plate in the sink and ran upstairs to my room. I put the numbers into my phone and saved them. I stared at my phone for around 5 minutes wondering if I should give Andy a text. I pondered for another 5 minutes and then decided to send him a text. What the point of me having his number if I don’t give him mine?
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Bit short, sorry about that. haha (: hope you;re enjoying it so far :D Comments?