Frozen Kiss

It'll Be Okay...

The year was going fabulously. It was now the last day of term, Friday. I was walking out the gate with Shaun, Bradie and Andy.
“How about a all nighter at my place. Movies and drinks?” Shaun suggested. Andy and Bradie nodded then looked at me. What the heck? Why not? I nodded in agreement. Andy seem particularly happy with my answer, I returned his smile with a small giggle.
I was getting ready for the all nighter when Tyde walked in.
“You sure you want to go?” Tyde asked seriously.
“Yes, Tyde. I’ll be fine.”
“What if you have a nightmare? Who’s going to understand?” Tyde was asking some serious questions.
“All nighter, by definition means no sleep whatsoever. I’ll be fine.” I said zipping up my bag.
“Okay, text me if you need. I’ll come and get you if you think it’s necessary.” He said closing my door.
Was I making a mistake in going? What if I fall asleep? Oh, well. If I fall asleep, I fall asleep. No problem. I’m not going to get all self-conscious now.
When I arrived at Shaun’s house. Andy bounced to the door and welcomed me with a hug. I returned his hug and followed him into the lounge room. There were beanbags, cushions and blankets everywhere.

“Haha! What happened here? It looks as though ‘Fantastic’ vomited in your lounge room.” I laughed dropping my bag in the corner next to the television.
“Ohhh! Fantastic!” Bradie sung. We broke into a laughing fit. I don’t even know why. It wasn’t even that funny. I think it was the fact that everyone was in such a great mood. It was 7pm when we started watching movies. Andy brought out a mug of coffee for us all and some UDL's, and we all got comfy and turned the lights off. Andy sat next to me, like really close to me. I couldn’t help but give a small smile. We were watching ‘The Hangover’ and we were all in a state of painful laughing.

The movie had finished and Shaun got up to put in another movie.
“American Pie?” he had a rather big grin of his face while he made his suggestion. Andy and Bradie nodded and I just laughed and shook my head.
“Three against one, majority rules!” Shaun put the DVD in the player and got back to his spot. We managed to get through three movies from the ‘American Pie’ series before my eyes started drooping.

“Bit tired hey Zanth?” Andy smiled. I nodded and yawned again. I dragged some of the blankets and pillows lying around and got comfy in a beanbag.

~ “Do it, now or else!” the dark figure kept saying. I shook my head holding back tears. He pushed me over and I land on the floorboards with a thud, he pinned me down to the floor. “Like it!” he laughed. ~

I wake up almost screaming. I hold my hand over my mouth. The tears won’t stop. I see Andy’s figure in the darkness through tear-stung eyes. I crawl over to my bag in the corner near the television. I hug my knees and cry and cry. Why did it have to happen? Why here?

~ Andy’s POV ~

Zanthia was sleepily dragging pillows and blankets over where we were sitting. She fell asleep before she could put the blankets over herself. I smiled at her, and pulled the blankets over her. I yawned and looked over at the others. They were passed out on the pillows and beanbags, snoring away. I yawned to and pulled some blanket over me, I look over at Zanthia again before closing my eyes.

I wake up to the sound of soft sobbing. It was Zanthia. Curled up in the corner near her bag next to the television. Her knees pulled up to her chest, and soft heavy breathing. Shaun and Bradie were still snoring away so I quietly crawl in the darkness over to her.

“Zanthia… is that you? Are you okay?” I whispered. I hear a small gasp. I went to touch her arm as a sign of comfort, but she nudged further away into the wall. She didn’t speak, she just sobbed. I wonder what’s wrong with her. She was fine earlier. The sound of her sobs hurt my heart. There was a slight pain my chest. Even though she rejected my hand of comfort, I’ll stay awake with her until she falls asleep again. What could I say to her? I don’t know what’s wrong…

“It’ll be okay…” I whisper into the darkness.
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Okay so, it's taking a turn I guess. I have some ideas for coming chapters. Comments would be lovely (: How are you liking it?