Frozen Kiss

Don't Let Me Go...

~ Zanthia’s POV ~

I woke up in the corner next to the television. Andy was asleep against the wall. I can’t help but feel guilty. Suddenly Andy’s eyes opened.

“Morning.” He yawned. “Are you okay?” he whispered, looking around and seeing that Shaun and Bradie were still sleeping. I starred into space. I knew what he was saying but I couldn’t really answer. He leaned over and touched my arm. I flinched. He retreated his arm, and slowly got to his feet and walked into the kitchen. He returned with two mugs of coffee. He handed me one and I nodded as a thank-you.

“You were really upset last night… weren’t you?” he whispered taking a swig of his coffee. I nodded, trying not to tear up again. “I stayed up with you. Even after you fell asleep again.” He what? Stayed up with me? Wow…

“Thanks.” I said turning towards him. I actually smile at him. He smiled back and before we knew it Shaun woke up.

“How long have you two been up for?” Shaun asked scratching his head.

“Not long, about 10 minutes.” Andy said. Shaun threw a pillow at Bradie who was still in a silent slumber.

“Get up!” Shaun announced. Bradie grumbled and turned over, still wrapped up in his Spider-Man doona.

“It’s cold!” Bradie said once the cool draft hit his face. He then buried himself under his doona and pillows. Andy and Shaun laughed. I just smiled. I wasn’t in a laughing mood.

“How’d you sleep Zanth?” Shaun smiled. I had to speak sooner or later.

“Um… Okay I guess.” I lied. It was a terrible sleep. Andy looked at me with a look that I can’t explain. It was mixed between liar and what’s wrong.

“So, what’s the time?” I said to break the awkward stare Andy was giving me. Andy looked at his phone.

“It’s 10:30am, what time do you need to be back?” he asked not breaking the stare like I thought he would.

“I better go now.” I said. I just needed to get out of there. I don’t want them all suspicious about something.

“I’ll drive you home.” Andy said. It wasn’t a suggestion either. I nodded and Andy went to grab his keys.

We got to the park car-park when we stopped. I felt panic rising.

“Why are we here?” I asked nervously. Andy gave me a ‘please talk to me’ look. I gave in, he’s my best friend. He deserves to know, but I can’t tell him.

“Please Zanthia. What’s wrong? You were crying so much last night. At school you’re sometimes so distant it’s like you’re not even there. I hate seeing you upset.” Andy was pleading.

“Andy… I-I can’t” I stuttered. The backs of my eyes were starting to sting. Tears stay back! Please! They ignored my plea and ran straight down my cheeks. Andy hugged me. I flinched but he still held on. I cried, I couldn’t breathe… I couldn’t speak. I just cried. He held me tighter. He cares.

Once I had calmed down and after I had taken a few deep breaths I was sort of stable.

“I’ll take you home. I’m sorry” Andy’s tone said regret of asking the question. I want to tell him. Can I finally trust?

Once we got to my place, I invited Andy inside.

“Andy, come in and I’ll tell you everything.” I said while I was getting out of the car.

Tyde was snoozing on the couch when we passed the lounge room. We went upstairs and into my bedroom. I locked the door to make sure Tyde didn’t wake up. I sat on my bed and Andy sat on my spinney chair and rolled closer to me. I took a deep breath.

“You don’t have to tell me Zanth. Only if you want to.” Andy said being supportive.

“I want to Andy. You’re my best friend. I’ve never had a best friend before. You’re so caring and kind, it wouldn’t be right if you didn’t know… When I was living in Melbourne, when I was 15. I was walking home from school when my Dad drove past me. He stopped a little bit up the road. ‘I’ll take you home.’ He said. I didn’t think anything of it… he was my Dad. We stopped at an apartment building. It was so strange; we didn’t live in an apartment building. Nether the less I went with him to an apartment. In the apartment was a mattress and a foul smelling odour. I dropped my school bag on the floor. ‘Why are we here?’ I asked Dad. He starred at me, then smiled the most evil smile. He-he threw me down onto the mattress and-and he-he just…” I was a tearful mess, but I kept telling Andy my story. His eyes were wide and full of heartbreak. “He then would take me there repeatedly. He would then pull is pants down and then yell at me. When I refused he would push me with such force into the wall. When Tyde found out, he vowed to take me away from him, form there. He kept his promise. Now I’m here.” Tears were still flooding down my cheeks; I was blinded.

Andy came and sat with me and hugged me so tightly. I felt a teardrop fall from Andy’s eyes onto my head. He didn’t let go.

“Please don’t let me go.” I whispered. He tightened his grip.

“I’ll never let go. Never.” Andy breathed.
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I bet you guys saw that one coming? Yes? Haha well I hope you're liking it.