‹ Prequel: About Falling
Status: In progress.

Ready When You Are

I Might Just Keep You


"Kids?" He choked out. The smile was completely evident on his face.

"Of course." She smiled back.

"Kids." He repeated. "It would be perfect. Swimming, fishing, camping, exploring, everything."

Cheyenne smiled and walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest. He enveloped her in his arms.

"I think it's a great idea." He said after thinking awhile.

Cheyenne looked up at him and squealed. "Really?!"

"Yes really." He laughed and kissed her temple.

"Oh Bam! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She kissed him over and over.

"But you have to help me." He warned.

"I will, I promise. Oh, I'm so excited!" She rambled on and on and Bam laughed. A screaming/hissing sound came from the kitchen.

"What the fuck is that?"

"I'm making hot chocolate." She said and pulled him down the hall.

She removed the kettle and opened and closed cabinets until she found mugs. She grabbed a box of hot chocolate from the island and poured two small packets into each cup, adding a little bit of milk. She poured the boiling water into the cups and handed one full cup off to Bam, planting a kiss on his lip.

"You're not even my wife yet, but you're already a perfect one."

Cheyenne smiled and shook her head. "Perfect? I'm far from it."

"Don't say that, you're perfect to me."

Cheyenne kissed Bam again and then took a gulp of her hot chocolate.

"I love you." He laughed.

"I love you more." She giggled. "What do you want for dinner?"

"No, no, you go relax. You've cooked enough. I'll make dinner."

"Thank you, Bam." She smiled and exited back to the small, private library.

She held her mug in one hand and dragged her fingers across the spines of several books on one shelf. She looked over shelf after shelf and browsed title after title until one particular spine protruded outward to her and grabbed her full attention. Chey raised her eyebrow and set her cup on the higher shelf and tugged at the spine to pull it off of the shelf. Most shelves were cluttered with old books, like they were either ancient belongings or simply placed for decoration, or even to say "yeah, I have a library." But this shelf had newer looking books, come still coated in a thin blanket of dust.

"The Hunger Games?" Cheyenne murmured and read a few sentences from the middle of the book.

She picked up her mug and headed back to the living room. She set the book and the mug on a stand and headed to the fireplace to start a fire. Once she had a somewhat decent fire going, she sat back down and started reading the book, allowing herself to disappear in the words. As she read, she slowly began to fall in love with the characters, and although some details and events were gruesome and repulsive, she felt like she was almost lost in the words.

After awhile, the amazing smells from the kitchen pulled her back into reality. She headed back into the kitchen, smiling at Bam.

"I didn't know you could cook. I think I might just keep you." She winked.

Bam laughed. "I've been practicing and learning from the best."

"Almost done?"

"Just about." He nodded.

Cheyenne took out plates for them but Bam stopped her. "No, don't worry about it. The table is already set."

Cheyenne laughed. "How much did you plan, exactly?"

"You'll see." He smiled. "Go get freshened up."

She raised an eyebrow but left the kitchen and went upstairs.

The bedroom was huge and also included a TV and a fireplace. A fire was already burning, which explained why Bam took so long before. She unpacked a few of her things, satisfied with what Bam grabbed, but noticed that most of it were his favorites. She fixed her hair up and changed into stockings, a grey pencil skirt and a long sleeved, black shirt that opened up in the back to lace. She chose black stockings, glad they were the warmer ones.

"Dinner!" Bam yelled with his weird voice from the bottom of the stairs. There was a long pause and then a quick "hurry the fuck up."

She laughed and then went downstairs to the kitchen. "Come here." Bam smiled, looking at her up and down. "You look sexy."

Chey shook her head. "Thank you." She slid across the floor to him, her stockings making her slide. "I'm starved."

"Good, let's eat."

Bam led her into the dining room where he had lit candles in the center of the table and also around the room. Bam had already put their meal on two plates that were across from each other. Bam had cut up a loaf of bread that was also placed on the table in between them.

"My lady?" He pulled the chair out and then pushed it back in gently as she sat.

"Why, thank you, darling."

Bam sat down and then looked at her for approval. He made a tomato basil pasta with fresh mozzarella cubes and two pieces of chicken for the each of them. It smelt absolutely amazing. Chey took a bite and looked up at Bam who, if he wouldn't have been so embarrassed, would have been crossing his fingers. He looked nervous as though her were afraid he had messed something up.

"Oh my God." Bam sat up more, smiling. "I'm serious about keeping you now. The is amazing." She took more bites. "Eat, eat!"

Bam smiled. "Thanks, I'm glad it finally came out right. I fucking hate cooking. I practiced a few times with my moms help but, it wasn't the best."

Cheyenne giggled. "Did she make you wear an apron?"

Bam grimaced. "Unfortunately."

Cheyenne laughed, causing him to laugh too as they talked and enjoyed dinner and each others company.