My Immortal

My Immortal

She was a pretty girl, although only fifteen, with her dark blue eyes and curly dark brown, almost black, hair. Every week day, she went to the high school. On the weekends, she stayed at home and cared for the younger kids because mommy worked and daddy was long ago gone.
At school, no one had faith in her and told her she could not do it, or that she would never become anything/anyone significant. She was a longer, for the most part, having one or two friends at the most. But even those friends never saw the true her.
At home, she had to be strong for her little siblings; she was really all they had. Sure mommy was there to pay the bills, but she drank. She drank until she could not even recognize her daughters and son, to the point all the girl wanted was for her mother to let her have some freedom.
On the inside, the girl, she was struggling. Struggling with her own emotions. She was struggling just to live and not feel like a useless piece of shit, at home and at school. Finally, just after her sixteenth birthday, on that hot July afternoon, she met him.
He was a cute thing, himself, at seventeen. He was tall and lanky with brownish-blonde hair and bright brown eyes that wouldn't dare show the troubles he had at home.
He lost his twin brother that year. The same year his youngest brother was born. Of course, he had been living with his father in England for the past six years since his parents divorce. Even though he wouldn't show it or come out completely, he secretly blamed himself for his brothers suicide. Even though the day his brother died, he wanted to cry, he refused to. He wouldn't dare let his younger sisters see him cry.
That summer, his dad made him move back to Memphis to live with his mother, step dad, and his nine siblings and stepsiblings. But then on that hot July afternoon, while he was sitting in the old library, he met her.

They were inseprable. They did everything together. After they learned each others names, of course. He told her her was Garrett, and she told him she was Jesika.
Garrett told Jesika everything about him in their summer months. He told her about he held double-citizenship because he was born in Memphis but was basically raised in London. He told her about his twin brother, Dillan, and his best friend, Kyle, and how he had moved from London to Indiana and then Memphis and that they had kept in touch through Facebook and Twitter. He show her is tattoos and told what they meant; How painful it was to write by hand after his newest one, which said "Love is my weapon" on the inside of his left hand. But more importantly, he told her he loved her.
Jesika told him everything about her, too. She told him about her moms drinking and how she verbally abused her and her siblings. She told hime about the bulling and the depression. She showed him her scares, she told him about the suicidal thoughts. She told about this girl named Tori, that she had started talking to on twitter, that also lived in Indiana. But again, she also told him she loved him.
A few years later, when Garrett was 22 and Jesika 21, they got married. It was just what they'd always wanted. Even though the two had been together four years, they had been broken up twice. The first time was when Jesika started her senior year and the stress got to her, and the most recent being when Garrett had gotten a job as a journalist for a popular British Magazine.
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Even though this where I'm ending their story, it's not over. Because these two still amaze me to this day, how they can make it work, even through all the tough shit. -- Tori.