Status: ACTiVE .

Do It All

Take One.


Ever been the new girl? Ever went from a place where you know everyone,to a place where you know absolutely nobody?

If you have went through this,then you understand. If you haven't,then I guess you'll be learning something new.

I'm Kassidy Leanne Moore. I'm 17 and I live....whoops I mean lived in Stratford,Ontario. That all changed 2 days ago. Now I live in Los Angles,California.

How does a girl from Canada to California? Well,to get famous naturally.
My dream is to be a actress/model. I'd like to be a singer to,but I don't think I'm good enough.

My mom and dad didn't really agree with the whole move to L.A. thing. They didn't want my little brothers and sister to have to move. So my aunt,Jacie,offered to come live in L.A. with me.
Did I mention I love my aunt?

So now we live at the Palm Woods. A apartment place for teenagers with dreams of being famous to stay at.

So,since I want to be a actress,I came up with the ultimate acting challenge. Since NOBODY knows who I am here at the Palm Woods,I decided to act like a person completely different from myself. Instead of the people over here knowing me as Kassidy Leanne Moore,they are gonna know me as Briana Lucille Williams.

Wish me luck.
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new idea i came up with randomly.
like? or no?