Status: I already have the first few chapters up and ready to go, it's just a matter of how many comments I get before I post them ^-^

As the Leaves Change in Color

All the Good Times, They Give You Cancer

It was freezing outside. I walked out and I thought the snot inside my nose would turn to snotsicles. I bet that would be painful. I know, I know, it's a cruddy way of telling you how cold it was outside. But it's kind of amusing, right?

Times like this one made me wish that one of us had a vehicle. I mean, I'm seventeen, and he's about fifteen. So he can't drive, and I just never cared enough to go try out for my driver's license. Besides, I always preferred to walk, anyways. Except right about now, when it felt like it was fifty degrees below zero.

So, we were just roaming around, looking for help-wanted signs, hoping that one would just kind of slap us in the face or something so we wouldn't have to look too hard. We were both lazy like that. I had learned that in the time I had lived with him. After so long, though, we had to give up. Looks like I'm not getting a job today....

We got back to the house (I'm officially saying it's my house, too. I bet Mom doesn't even know I'm gone yet) and just lazied around, like we'd been doing every evening this week. It was nice, to stay in a place with one of your best friends. I never would've thought of Frank as my best friend, though, unless he had found me. I guess all things really do happen for a reason....

Too bad it had to take my losing my boyfriend to discover how nice this is.

Eh, you win some, you lose some.

After so long of just sitting around, watching TV, and reading comics, it started to get old. I wasn't exactly sure what to do, though. As I was thinking about something other than lying around for "fun", Frank turned to me with that smile on his face that says he's gotten an idea that isn't very good.

"Hey, Gerard, I've got an idea. Let's play Truth or Dare!"

I just gave him this really funny look that was kinda like, "what the hell are you thinking, man?". I mean, geez. Truth or Dare used to be fun when I was like, 8 or something. Now, it just seemed kind of lame. But hey, if this is what he wanted to do for fun, why not?

"Uh, okay.... I pick dare. Dare me to do something."

Frank smiled that mischeivous smile of his that let me know he was up to nothing good. At all. I started to regret agreeing to do this.

"I dare you to walk into Walmart, in drag. Then, go jack the television system to wear it just shows you, rip off your clothes, and reveal that you're wearing nothing but lingerie."

I stared at him with a look that kind of resembled the emoticon "O.o". I mean, geez, man! Does this guy sit up all night thinking of ways to embarrass others?! But then again, this would be kinda funny. And maybe I'd finally accomplish my life-long goal of getting kicked out of Walmart! Yea!
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter, I know. I'm sorry about the length. The next chapter will make up for it, I promise. 'Cause we all know we wanna imagine a 17-year-old Gerard in drag getting kicked out of Walmart. Right? xD I hope you enjoyed this. Chapter VII should be up tomorrow, hopefully ^-^