Status: Completed

The Deal


I saw nothing but red tainted all over his beautiful wings; probably one of them broken by the way it hanged in a particular angle. His once porcelain skin was covered in bruises and cuts. His dark locks were full of dirt and caked on its own blood too.

To find such a creature in such a state really brought tears to my eyes and I fought hard to restrain them behind my eyelids. I was afraid to touch him; as if at any moment he would burst into pieces like a shattered glass. His strong back muscles moved in weak attempts of breathing. I know only ten that he was alive and so I hurried to his side, kneeling close to him and turning his back just enough to inspect his front. His broad chest was covered in violet and black spots but he seemed to lack any serious injury. His face was full of dirt and dried blood; and then, I was met with a pair of ruby orbs. They displayed nothing else but confusion and pain. My hand cupped his left cheek unconsciously in a motherly concern.

“Can you hear me?” I asked to the winged creature which responded with a few blinks before those beautiful eyes were hidden again.

After much struggle I finally managed to place him over one of the ponies from my father. She seemed fine with her new load and so she delivered it to our home once dark reached across the skies.

With care, I cleaned the creature’s face and body. He had the form of a man but the wings at his back were similar to those of a swan. To cure such a large wing had not been an easy task and I was afraid he wouldn’t be able to fly anymore. As soon as I reached his left cheek I was forcefully grabbed by the wrist and met with a bloodshot stare. Like a frighten animal, his eyes took the surroundings and his breathing became rash. I caressed his strong arm gently trying to sooth his worries away.

“Everything is fine. You are safe.” I said barely above a whisper. When the creature saw me I noticed he was no man but a boy, probably just a couple of years older than me. He had a very innocent look dressed on his pretty features. There wasn’t even a single hair on his face, arms or torso.

“What is your name?” He asked trying to comprehend the situation around him.

“Psique” I answered politely. “And yours?”

The boy didn’t answer my question. Instead, he just looked straight into my eyes for what seemed to me like an eternity. After that he collapsed into my arms and felt unconscious once more. The extra weight felt comforting. I brushed my thumb gently by his cheek before I placed him over the bed, careful not to disturb the broken wing on his back. Sometime later I too felt asleep next to the winged boy.