Status: Completed =]

Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back

The Devil's Got Your Number

He what? I was speechless. He was watching my face, watching me intently.

“Beth, please say something.” He whispered, taking my hand. I couldn’t say anything at all. I felt horrible as I saw his face fall, obviously sad by my reaction, or lack thereof.

“I knew this was a bad idea. I just had to tell you before I exploded.” His head fell and I finally found my voice.

“Gerard, I’m so sorry. I love you, but not like I love Chris. Maybe, if Chris and I don’t work out, we can give it a try. But then and only then can we try to be together, okay?” I whispered, unable to speak any louder. He looked up and I saw a little glimmer of hope in his eyes.

“I’ll be waiting for that day, Beth.” I nodded and started to get up, but Gerard pulled me back down.

“Please, Beth, stay with me for a little while. I don’t think I can go out there and face Chris just yet.” His expression was heartbroken, and very much so. I sat back down and pulled Gerard into my arms and stroked his very red hair.

“For now, Gerard, we can just be friends, okay?” I asked him. He looked up into my eyes.

“Best friends? I mean, not like me and Frankie, but more like me and Mikey? You’ll be like my little sister, but without the weirdness, okay?” I nodded and kissed the top of his hair.

“I promise, Gee.” We sat on the bed for a while longer while I stroked his hair, which is actually really soft. After about twenty minutes, Gerard pulled away and stood up.

“Come on, Beth. The others probably think we’re screwing or something.” He grinned and I laughed. I stood up and we walked out of the room, messing around. We got to the kitchen, only to find the porcelain twins sitting at the table, quietly talking. They both turned around to face me and Gerard, their icy glares seeming to penetrate through my skin and bone and straight to my soul.

It was rather creepy.

“Um, hi. I’m sorry; I don’t think I ever caught your names.” I said. The boy answered.

“My name is Ezekiel, and my sister’s name is Azrael.” Oh boy, they were both named after angels of death. Perfect. Just another reason I’ll feel a bit uncomfortable around them. I don’t know how Moe ever managed to stay with them without going crazy. Well, more crazy than she already is.

“Okay… Where are the others?” Gerard asked, obviously just as uncomfortable as I was under their gaze. Azrael answered in a soft, tinkling voice.

“They went to go get food. We ran out again.” I sighed. Of course we ran out.

Chris’ P.O.V.

After Beth went after Gerard, Moe was nice enough to point out that we didn’t have much food left. Geez, we went through that food fast. I guess that’s what happens when you have nine mouths to feed.

I asked if we could wait for about ten minutes, thinking that Beth’s talk with Gerard wouldn’t last that long. But ten minutes later, that door was still firmly shut and the guys were getting impatient. So, we left. Ezekiel and Azrael stayed behind to tell Beth and Gerard were we went when they were done.

Frank, Mikey, Ray, Moe and I were all in the Trans Am, going to Battery City to get more food. Moe is chattering away with Frank, who seems to be just as talkative. I, on the other hand, was stuck in my thoughts as I wondered what was going on between Gerard and Beth. I mean, I love her, but I just don’t know. I’ve seen the looks Gerard gives her, and I’ve caught one or more looks from her to him.

“Chris, dude, we’re here.” I was brought out of my head by Moe’s voice. I looked around and we were at that oh so familiar fence that surrounded Battery City. I nodded and grabbed my dark blue gun out of its holster as I got out behind Moe and Ray. We had parked behind a large rock and we darted out from behind it, shooting anything in white that came towards us.

We made it to the gates and ran in, pushing past the mindless, brainwashed people who were wandering and chattering about random things amongst themselves, not bothering to look up at us as we ran through the streets like rainbow fish in murky, colorless waters. We ran into the large building that we had seen on our way to the prison earlier this week and again shot anything that got into our way.

I was eventually surrounded by a few Dracs, but as everyone turned to help, I shooed them off, claiming that I had things under control. They were hesitant, but they left in search of food.

I’ll admit it; I was struggling quite a bit. Two Dracs were on the floor, obviously dead, but the other two were putting up a good fight. I soon had my gun knocked out of my hand and I was caught in a corner. Just as the two were about to get rid of me, a shot rang out and one fell to the floor. The other turned around, only to get shot, also.

I looked up to thank my savior and was met by dark, dark eyes and strawberry blonde hair, topped off with a cocky smirk. I cracked a smile as she handed me my gun.

“Thanks, Madness.” She winked at me.

“No problem. Just don’t expect me to be around every time you’re in trouble!” She laughed and I smirked. Then we were off in the same direction the others had gone. When we finally found them, they were in a giant warehouse filled with boxes upon boxes labeled “Power Pup”.

“Holy shit…” Moe muttered. Her expression of awe and surprise matched mine exactly. I’d never seen so much food in my life.

“Well, don’t just stand there! Grab a box and let’s get the hell out of here!” I realized that now that we were not in the presence of Beth, everyone seemed to cuss. I guess they somehow knew that she doesn’t like swearing.

Moe and I ran to a box and we all booked it out of the warehouse. For some reason, we never ran into anyone from BL/ind on our way out. We made it back to the car without having to shot our guns at all and put the food into the back. We all hurried into the car and once we were all safely in, Mikey stepped on the gas and we drove off.

As I watched the desert scene fly past my eyes, I was again sucked into my own head as I wondered what we would find when we got home.
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I got one more subscriber! ^_^ Yay!

I decided that I haven't updated in a while (Which I'm very, very sorry about!) so I wrote this ^_^ Hope you guys like it!

I really wanna make it to ten subscribers, so please help me out!!!!!


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