Status: Completed =]

Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back

You're the Broken Glass in the Morning Light

~Gerard's P.O.V.~

We were just driving along the road to get more food because we ran out in our shack, when we saw some Dracs cornering two people who looked around seventeen or eighteen. So, I turned the steering wheel and drove off the road.

“Everyone put on your masks and get ready for a fire fight.” I said. Mikey, Frankie, and Ray all nodded and put on their various sorts of masks and pulled out their guns. I stopped the car and got out after putting on my own mask. I don’t really know why I’m saving these people; something just drew me towards them, like when the light from the sun reflects off of a shiny object in the sand.

I shot one of the Dracs square in the chest, making the others turn towards us. The two people, a girl and a boy, I later noticed, didn’t turn around to face us until all of the Dracs were down. When they turned around, I gasped a little. The girl was beautiful. She had black hair that was probably dyed and bright, beautiful blue eyes surrounded by heavy black eyeliner. The boy also had black hair that also looked dyed and soft, worn out green eyes. I stepped forward.

“Hey, I’m Party Poison. This is Fun Ghoul, Kobra Kid, and Jet Star. We’re the Killjoys. Now the question is, who are you?” I tilted my head a bit, letting some of my red hair fall into my eyes. The girl just looked at me with curious eyes. She finally spoke.

“I’m Beth, and this is my best friend, Chris.” Beth, probably short for Elizabeth.

“Well, hello, Beth.” Frankie said in his flirty tone. I closed my eyes in exasperation. He’s such a flirt. I saw Chris get closer to her and tighten his grip on her hand. Something tells me that they might just be a little more than best friends. I looked back to Frankie.

“Ghoul, shut up. We just met them, now don’t scare them away.” Frankie gave me a sorry and his big puppy dog eyes. I gave him a small smile. Then, I heard a soft giggle from behind me. I turned around to see Beth covering her laugh with her free hand. That was adorable.

“Okay, I have a question. Are those your real names, or no?” Chris asked. I looked at him and looked back at the boys. They all shared a look at then turned back to me and nodded. I turned back.

“Come on, I’ll show you our place. Ghoul, Kobra, can you guys stay and fix their car and then get us some food? You have the radio to call us, right?” Mikey nodded and him and Frankie walked over to Beth and Chris’ car to fix the flat.

I led them over to our car and they were about to get in, when Beth turned around and shouted a, “Be right back!” over her shoulder as she ran over to the car. She grabbed two duffle bags.

“Do you mind if I take these with us? I don’t feel comfortable without them.” She asked. I nodded and opened the trunk. She threw in the bags and then got into the back with Chris. Ray came and sat in front with me. When I started the car and started driving, Ray turned around to look at Beth and Chris.

“So, how did you two end up here?” H asked them. I glanced at them in the rearview mirror because I wanted to know the answer, too. They exchanged a glanced and then turned to Ray.

“Beth and I ran away a while ago because of… problems at home. We heard the international broadcast about Battery City and Beth wanted to check it out. So, here we are.” Chris said. Ray and I nodded in understanding.

I turned onto a dirt road that led to our home. It was sort of a shack, but it was actually pretty big. It had four bedrooms, a little kitchen and dining room area, and it actually had working bathrooms, two of them to be exact. We kept it as clean as we could, but there seemed to be a permanent layer of dust on the floors and table tops.

I pulled into the little parking spot we made and then got out, with Ray, Beth, and Chris following suit. Beth grabbed their bags and followed me inside with Chris behind her and Ray bringing up the rear, making sure that there weren’t any Dracs following us. I directed Beth to a room next to mine and Mikey’s and she put down their bags. We then walked into the living room area thing and sat down. She and Chris sat down on the love seat and she took his hand.

Why did I feel a little pang of jealousy? I just met her…

“So, Beth, Chris… If you’re gonna stay with us, we have to think up some Killjoy names for you.” I said. Beth and Chris looked at each other. Beth then turned back to me and bit her lip.

“If you wouldn’t mind, we would like to stay with you…” She said and trailed off. I couldn’t help the small smile on my face.

“We don’t mind at all. We could use some extra hands around here. But we’ll have to teach you two how to use a laser gun.” They both nodded.

Just then, Frankie and Mikey burst through the doors looking frantic. Mikey slammed the door and turned to us.

“Everyone hide and stay silent. Dracs are on our tails.” We all got up and I dragged Beth and Chris to our bathroom. The cabinets were just big enough for both of them to fit.

“Party Poison, what about you?” Beth asked. I smiled nervously at her.

“My Killjoy name is for the battlefield, Beth. Call me Gerard. And it doesn’t matter about me. I’ll find somewhere to hide.” I gave her worried little face one last small smile before I ran to my room and squeezed myself under the bed just as I heard the door slam open and loud footsteps enter the building.

They’re here.
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Thought I'd try something new and make this in Gerard's point of view! So, tell me what you think and if I should keep alternating point of views between the Killjoys and my characters and I'll take your advise ^_^

Guess what? Two subscribers! Ha, it's not much, but it makes me happy to know that people like it =] And I got one star!! Again, it's not much, but still! ^_^ I love you guys!

Oh, and it's my birthday today! Happy day! ^_^

Well, comment and subscribe!
