Status: Completed =]

Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back

I Hope You're Ready for a Fire Fight

Moe and I became close fast. She told me about the fun times she had with Karma Hurricane, Heated Tsunami, and the other boy who died. Moe told me that his Killjoy name was Toxic Atmosphere and that she had really liked him. I felt her pain intensely. If I lost Chris, I don’t know what I would do.

“Moe, Beth, come eat.” I got up and walked towards Ray’s voice with Moe close behind. I walked in the room to find Gerard, Frankie, Mikey, and Chris all sitting at the table while Ray was opening cans of Power Pup for all of us.

“Food!” Moe ran over to where the cans were set out and grabbed one and a spoon. She quickly took a bite and smiled. I guess she hasn’t eaten in a while. I laughed and walked over to grab a can and a spoon for myself. The others followed suit, and soon we were all silent as we ate.

Moe was the first one done and she threw away her can and put her spoon in the sink. She came back and sat down next me. I gave her smile and she gladly returned it. Then, she turned to Gerard.

“I’m guessing you’re the leader.” Gerard nodded and swallowed the food he had in his mouth and held out his hand.

“Yeah, I’m Party Poison, or Gerard. This is Fun Ghoul, Jet Star, Kobra Kid, and Perfect Catastrophe. I don’t know if they would like me to tell you their real names.” He looked around and everyone shrugged, not caring.

“Okay, so their names are Frank, Ray, Mikey, and Chris. Chris is Beth’s best friend and Mikey’s my little brother.” They all waved because their mouths were full of food. Moe smiled and waved back.

“Gerard, I was wondering… Moe lost a couple of friends to some Dracs and they were thrown into the prison in the city… Could we possibly get them back?” I asked hesitantly. Moe gave him a sad look.

“Please, Gee? What would you do if Frankie or Ray got thrown in jail?” I asked, sticking my bottom lip out the slightest bit. He sighed.

“Alright, fine, but under one condition.” I nodded and beckoned for him to continue. “You, Moe, and Chris have to stay here. You’re not experienced enough yet.” I felt my eyes widen in shock. I didn’t want to stay behind!

“But, but, Gerard!” I whined. He simply shook his head.

“No, Beth. I don’t want any of you getting hurt.” I felt hurt already. Did he not trust me enough yet? I stuck my bottom lip out even further and hung my head.

“Okay…” I said sadly. I heard him sigh again. There were a few minutes of silence. Then, Gerard spoke.

“Fine. You can come. Just, don’t get hurt, alright?” I heard him mumble something after that under his breath, but I couldn’t make out the words. I shot out of my seat and ran to Gerard’s side to hug him tightly.

“Thank you, Gee! I promise I won’t get hurt!” I let go and smiled at him. He gave me a small smile in return and stood up.

“Well, I guess you and Chris need ray guns, then.” I nodded and he beckoned for me and Chris to follow him as he left the room. We followed close behind and he walked into what looked like a small storage room. I walked in with Chris at my heels and stopped.

Gerard was rummaging through a big box and finally found what he was looking for. He stood up and held out two ray guns for Chris and me. I took the neon orange gun, leaving Chris with the dark blue one. Gerard handed me a permanent marker and told me to write my Killjoy initials on the side. I wrote B. N. and handed the pen to Chris, who then wrote his initials.

“All done!” I turned to Gerard and he gave me a half smile.

“I hope you’re ready for a fire fight. These Dracs are tough, but they’re also pretty much brainwashed enough to where they’re pretty stupid. Just, don’t get caught, okay?” Chris and I nodded and Gerard gave us a quick nod. We all walked out the room and back into the kitchen.

“Okay, let’s head out.” Everyone nodded at Gerard and walked out to the cars. Gerard, Frank, Chris and I piled into the Trans Am, while Ray, Mikey, and Moe got into the mini cooper. We set out for the city and towards Moe’s friends.

Chris took my hand and gave it a tight squeeze. I looked over at him and gave him a smile. I really don’t ever want to lose Chris, or really anyone of the guys or Moe. They’re my family now.

We pulled up to the city gates and Gerard and Frank quickly shot down all of the Dracs and S/C/A/R/C/R/O/Ws in the front before they could send out a distress signal. We drove into the city and right towards the tall, main building in the center of the city. As we got closer to it, I saw a big, grey building surrounded by barbed wire.

The prison.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! D= Well, now I have so no getting mad at me? =]

Alright, so I went to the May 28th My Chemical Romance concert (Which was sold out!!!!!!) and I had the BEST TIME EVER. I'm super duper serious! It's the best concert I've ever been to! They started off with Na Na Na and everyone went crazy, including me! Now, if you knew me (Some of you do, but not really) you'd know that I'm not one for dancing around or pumping my fist or even that hand thing they do, but I was ALL OVER IT at the concert. I totally busted into a little dance during Welcome to the Black Parade when the guitar got heavier ^_^ And when they started I'm Not Okay (I Promise) I screamed at the top of my lungs! I lost my voice for the rest of the night and until like 12 o'clock the next morning =] It was totally worth it! Oh, and every time I saw someone with one of the two shirts I had (Which happened often) I would look at my mom and say "I have that shirt." with this goofy little grin on my face. She'd just sigh and laugh at me. =] I love my momma!


I apologize for my random lyric outburst. Anywho, I just realized how long this is (My longest Author's Note EVER!), so Imma go now ^_^

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