Status: Completed =]

Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back

They Say We’re Never Leaving This Place Alive

“Alright, you two stay close to me and Ghoul. Remember, now we use our Killjoy names, that way BL/ind will never know who we really are. Ghoul, mask on. Let’s do this.” All four of us got out and sprinted towards the entrance with our guns out. I heard footsteps behind us and when I turned around, I saw Mikey, Ray, and Moe close behind.

Gerard ran ahead to scout for Dracs or S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/Ws. I heard shots ring out and ran towards where Gerard had ran off to, only to find him holding one of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/Ws at gun point.

“Now, why don’t you tell me where Heated Tsunami and Karma Hurricane are being held?” Gerard said, hate clear in his voice. The brainwashed man muttered out a few words and Gerard nodded, standing up.

“Thank you.” He then shot the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W and turned to face me.

“They’re in the west wing, cell 983. Let’s go.” I nodded and we ran back to the others to repeat the information. Then, we all ran like mad men to the west wing, shooting every BL/ind worker that got in our way.

We finally made it to the cell and Moe crashed against the metal bars.

“Hurricane! Tsunami! I’m here!” She shouted, tears starting to stream down her cheeks. Four hands reached out of the cell and embraced Moe the best they could. Gerard then motioned for Moe to step back so he could bust the lock. He then shot the padlock, busting it open. Two figures darted out of the cell and into Moe’s arms.

Both of them had platinum blonde hair and pale, porcelain-like skin. When they turned to face us, I noticed that their eyes were a very icy shade of blue, almost white. The only real colors on their faces were a pale rose coloring on their cheeks and their coral colored lips. They smiled, reviling perfect white teeth. These two were models of perfect people.

Then why did I feel like they had a dark secret?

The boy stepped forward, obviously the older of the two.

“Hello, I’m Karma Hurricane, and this is my younger sister, Heated Tsunami. Thank you for saving us from this disaster of a prison.” He turned to Gerard. “You must be the leader, correct?” Gee nodded and stepped forward.

“I’m Party Poison. This is Fun Ghoul, Jet Star, Broken Nightmare, Perfect Catastrophe, and Kobra Kid. And it was no problem. Now, let’s go.” They nodded and we all ran for the exit. Suddenly, a lone shout rang out and pain exploded in my right shoulder. The last thing I remember was someone screaming my name, and then everything went dark.

Chris’ P.O.V

We were running for the exit and were so close, until a shout rang out. I heard a girl’s voice cry out and turned around just in time to see Beth fall to the ground with a wound in her right shoulder and a Draculoid standing behind her with his gun out.

“Nightmare!” I screamed and ran to her, not even pausing as I shot down the Drac. I felt hot tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes as I saw how severe the wound was. I checked her pulse and sure enough, there it was. Thank God.

“Nightmare, Nightmare, speak to me. Are you there?” I whispered, holding her hand. I turned to the others, who were just standing there with obvious shock on their faces.

“Well, don’t just stand there! Help me get her to the car, quickly!” I yelled. Gerard snapped out of it and ran over. He took her into his arms, bridal style. I felt a pang of jealousy, but I shook it off. I needed to be there for Beth.

We ran to the car while the others shot down every Drac in sight. We finally got to the car and I jumped in the back so Gerard could rest Beth’s upper body on me. Gerard started the car and we were off. It was a silent ride back. The only noise was the occasional bug hitting the windshield. I couldn’t help but shed a couple tears. I couldn’t stand seeing Beth in pain.

We finally got to the house and Gerard took her inside to our room. He laid her down and went to go get the first aid kit to clean and wrap her shoulder.

“Chris, I need you to take her shirt off, okay?” Gerard shouted from the bathroom. I nodded, though he couldn’t see me. I looked down at Beth and muttered a soft “I’m sorry.” just in case it hurt her. I then pulled her shirt up and over her head. I had to cut open her right sleeve so I wouldn’t hurt her even more. She whimpered a bit, but that was it.

Gerard walked in with the first aid kit and walked over to Beth. I sat and watched as he cleaned her wound and wrapped it up in gauze. When he was done, he turned to me.

“She needs to rest, okay? She’ll heal faster.” I nodded and he left. I laid down on the bed next to her carefully so I wouldn’t wake her. I stared at her now calm face, praying that the girl I loved would wake up soon.
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GUESS WHO'S GOT 6 SUBSCRIBERS?!?!?!! Haha I know that's not a lot, but it really means the world to me, so thank you to all of you ^_^

I love you all!!

It was for some reason a lot of fun to write this chapter aha, I don't know why =] I also made the layout for this story all by myself!!!! ♥

Well, for you others, comment and subscribe!!!!!
