Status: Put On Hold- (laptop crashed, all stories lost. I have to rewrite them all again)

Dear Jay, I love You!

Dear Jay

Subject: Another Day at Hooks High School
Dear Jay,
I came home today from the most horrible day at school ever… I was humiliated in front of the whole school! Well it’s not as bad as that… It’s just I have trouble pronouncing a few words, and I don’t think it’s because I am Korean, but because my tongue just does not want to make this certain word come out right! This word is ethnicity. I know simple enough right? But I just can’t say it! Instead I say eth ni tiddey and of course people always laugh. This is why I always avoid that word! Well Today in English, we were preparing from small groups to read parts from this literature short story in our books. Well I saw that dreadful word immediately and told my fellow classmates (whom constantly picks on me for being Asian and whom I did not choose to be in a group with) that I would like to read any section but that one. Of course when the teacher called us to read, they practically made me read this section. It was alright at first but then once that word came I murmured it at first… hoping no one will catch on. Sadly, my enthusiastic teacher who is in love with the art of reading told me to repeat that word but loud so we can all hear. This is when I blurted out… “Eth ni tity!”. At first everyone was quite and I can feel my cheeks getting red with embarrassment especially when everyone and I mean everyone started to scream with laughter. I should be use to all the teasing by now… but it’s not easy… I wish someone could understand you know? Anyways how was your day???
P.S I hope we can meet soon!

I sat at my hello kitty laptop and press send. I sighed happily, I know this sounds weird but this person I am emailing and I have never met… but we go to the same high school. In fact we are in the same grade and possibly in the same classes! You see I, Seo-Young Kim moved here from Seoul, Korea when I was around 13 and ever since then I have been picked on continuously. Now being 17 and a junior in high school I’ve been through many forms of depression. So in this midst of depression, I discovered this site called which is a mini chat room/ online journal where you can meet all kinds of people! Well I joined this site when I was 16 and since then I’ve been writing many entrees of my daily life. While writing, I came across this boy name Jay, who is also Korean. We chatted at first about random foods we like and music and then all of a sudden we became like online best friends. But you see, we decided to tell each other fake names just in case and as well as agreeing to meet each other in a year, so we can get to know each other better and also if we do meet each other we won’t judge one another. I called myself Amber, and he called himself Jay. We even made these cute emails that are shared by only me and him using Korean foods in them. We promised to write to each other at least every other day of the week. I know this might sound crazy but during this whole ordeal, I kind of started to have a crush on this guy. I mean when do you get to talk to someone who understands you? As I was thinking of Jay I heard the little beep on my laptop, signaling that I have a new email. Of course it was from Jay.

Dear Amber,
I’m sorry that people would be so mean to you. You’re an amazing girl and should be treated right and respected. I know how you feel, I too have words I have trouble pronouncing. Such as zoo… it always sounds like I say Jew instead. So I pretty much avoid that word as well. My day was alright, class was boring as always. Of course I always tried my hardest to get good grades, despite my lack of attention to the lectures haha. We will meet soon, in fact our one year anniversary of talking is this week! :] I’m sure you’re as beautiful as you sound inside and out.

My heart literally skipped a beat. Only a week until I finally get to meet Jay. So many thoughts rushed into my head: What if he thinks I'm ugly. What if he knows how lame I am? What if he hates me!? I quickly logged off my laptop and fell back on my bed staring at the ceiling. What shall I do to impress him? I want to be the girl he wants… and then again my cheeks became red of embarrassment but not like the one from earlier.
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This is a new story that I am working on. I know its a bit messy at the moment but I promised as it goes on and it will have a more professional touch to it. Also some of the contents of this story will be base on true events that has happened in my life. I hope you enjoy and since I am still writing this, please feel free to comment or message me any ideas on what you like to appear in this story!