Status: coming along great!

Robin and Luther- the story of two cats

the hollow

robin stretched a great stretch and yawned to see nightfall. "luther, what should we do?" she asked. she turned to see luther fast asleep. she tilted her head in awe. "i see" she thought. she became bored as the night seemed to slwoly seep past her. she scratched at the walls and paced the hollow floors. luther awoke with a yawm "finally!!" she gasped. "sooo did you dream about anything?".. luther looked at his paws and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. he got up and brushed against his siter. "robin.. i think there is a reason were here. maybe to acomplish something??!" he had the words to explain maybe what, but it slipped his mind as he spoke. the possibibilty of the happining was high. "that could be! first, we can start off finding what this is by exploring the island, come on!" robin jumped and grabbed hold of the hollow walls and slipped off into the evening to explore.
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their trying to find out everything