Hollow Inside

Chapter 2

Tsukiko grabbed a pair of sais from under her bed, threw them at the growing mass of smoke, then jumped out the window, though not before taking her katana from her bed. She landed gracefully on the sidewalk, preceeding a rainfall of broken glass, then sprinted down the street, wearing but lingerie and a wine red satin robe.

"That little—bitch!" Yammy shouted through gritted teeth as he pulled out a sai from his forearm.

"It's your own fault for not being able to stop it," Ulquiorra said to him, looking around.
She ran and ran, wondering how on earth she had been found, wondering what to do now, where to go,... Perhaps she ought to open Garganta and flee back to Hueco Mundo, in hope she will not be found? Or maybe she should go to the Vizards, who have been trying to bring her to their side for a long while now, saying her strenght would be needed for the upcoming war. Of course, she had no intention of cooperating. She only looked out for herself, no one else. She had no intention of taking a side, not with Hirako, not with Soul Society, and most certainly not with Aizen.

"Hey, you!" An unfamiliar voice brought her back to earth.

She stopped dead on her tracks, ready to fight the arrancar, but...

"A shinigami?"

He was thin, a bit taller than her, and held a rather big soul slayer, which he was pointing at her. Great, this was just what she needed right now...

"I don't have time to deal with you," she simply said, then turned and walked away.


The green-haired girl turned around just in time to stop the shinigami's soul slayer with her...kunai?

"What the... With just a kunai?!" His brown eyes widened in shock.

"Back off, shinigami."

With that said, she hit the orange-haired boy in the torso and sent him flying across the park. Just as she was about to leave, though...

"Hmm, maybe just in case..."

Tsukiko lifted her hand and pointed her finger at the shinigami.

"Binding art number 9: Geki."

Kurosaki Ichigo then felt himself lose control over his limbs and body, a sensation he had had a long while ago, the night he met Kuchiki Rukia.

"You... You're not a shinigami... How can you use kidou??"

But Tsukiko did not have time to answer pointless questions, that is why she ignored the shinigami and kept running.

"Your actions are futile."

She froze instantly. That voice, so cold it made chills run down her spine... She turned to face the three Espada.

"I have no intention of joining Aizen," she said firmly, drawing her sword.

"I will admit your abilities are impressive. However, you don't stand a chance against the three of us together. Surrender."

Tsukiko shot the green-eyed an icy glare. Surrender? Not an option.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I will not surrender."

"...Very well then."
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I just came back from a 6-week trip to Taiwan, so I wasn't able to update until recently.