I'm a Thief and I'll Take You

Fairies Park

Jessica was eighteen, soon to be nineteen by the end of the year. She had graduated early and was only waiting for the graduation ceremony so she could put her high school career behind her. She was going to community college but she felt like she was just wasting her time. She knew deep down that there was a greater purpose for her. Little did she know that Damon Salvatore was lurking in the darkness.

Jessica left the sheriff's department and the sun was setting. She embraced the cool breeze. She hated working here. Filing papers was not her life's calling. She unlocked her car thinking of her recent fight with Jeremy. He always picked a fight with her, but it was only because of how hurt he was that she didn't like him back.

Jessica couldn't help but feel a little depressed that she lost such a good friend. She should have never dated him. She remembered the time that Jeremy took her to Fairies Park. As she pulled out of the parking lot she felt a need to visit that place they shared together.

She remembered how she wrote with chalk on the concrete that they would be together forever, but she had meant as friends, not as a couple. She had ruined everything which is why whenever Jeremy verbally attacked her, she let him.

Her headlights flashed across the trees surrounding Fairies Park. She followed the narrow road to the place that was for her and Jeremy. She put the car into park and pulled up the emergency break. The last thing she needed was for her car to go rolling into lake Decatur. She got out and carefully walked downhill where the piece of concrete was half drowned in water. She noticed writing on the concrete. The writing wasn't in chalk but engraved. Jessica could feel the hairs on the back of her neck begin to rise as she read the message. "I'm coming for you."

"Maybe it isn't meant for me," she thought to herself and quickly turned to make her way back to the car. Her heart was pounding as she scrambled to get her keys. She heard a twig snap and it hadn't been from her own feet.

She finally managed to steady her hands enough to unlock and open the door. She scrambled to turn her car on. Her engine clicked but didn't start.

"No, no, no!" she screamed slamming her hands against the steering wheel. Her heart was beating so fast she felt as if she'd have a heart attack. Tears streamed down her face as she saw a figure walk in front of her headlights. She couldn't see his face because the hood of his jacket shadowed his face.

"Please, no!" she begged and tried to start her car again. It still only clicked. The hooded figure walked closer and Jessica whined and pleaded for her car to start.

Suddenly the door was ripped off the hinges and Jessica was yanked from her car and thrown onto the ground. "Please, let me go," she sobbed and tried to sit up. The figure removed the hood revealing a very attractive man. He grabbed the front of her shirt and barred his sharp teeth before he sank them into her flesh. Her scream echoed in their ears.
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Comments are appreciated.
Inspiration for this chapter: Love Vertible by Pony Pony Run Run

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