If I Stay or Will I go



She could see it,the people their scream's.
And her parent's and her little brother Ethan.

Sammy could almost see her mother's tear's as if she were there.
She could almost see Ethan clinging to her father asking if they were going to be okay.
And expectantly she could see HERSELF.

Standing in the middle of the plane just watching,knowing there is nothing she can do.
Though she tried,but what was the use.Her parent's wouldn't have heard her.
Neither Ethan nor any body else that was in that situation.

She could just feel the fear thumbling through the plane.Like shock wave's going through
the spine.The captains voice rang through out the plane.Telling every one to remain calm.
But how could they?
They were to afraid and to frighten to even hare what the captain was saying.
Some of them always feared that this dreadful moment would happen.
And it was because of her.

She didn't stop them.
She watched as they all screamed for help trying to unbuckle their seat belt's.
Some was trying to reach for the Gas Mask the plane provided.
But it was to hard with quivering hand's.

But Sammy's eye's remained only on her family.
They were calm Sammy realized.
They weren't screaming nor having trouble reaching for their mask.
They was just hoping that they were okay.
That everything would be alright.

Her father was holding her mother's hand tightly.
Squeezing it like he couldn't let go.
And her mother,with Ethan holding on tightly to her other arm,and asking repeatedly if
they were going to be okay.
And her mother,Sammy realized,was pale all the blood vanishing from it realm's,
with hurt full tear's sliding down her soft cheek's.

And that's when it happened.
That's when the light's on the plane blinked on and off.
When the plane swayed so roughly,it knocked the people that were standing to the ground.
When the alarm on the plane came on.
And when the pilots word's suddenly came to an end.
In that moment Sammy knew they were all going to die.
Including her.


The plane crashed.
Breaking the window's and swallowing every one up in a full amount of water.
Her mother closed her eye's when her brother screamed "no."
That was the end.
It was the end for them.
People screamed above their lung's.
Hollering and hollering,until they couldn't holler any more.
Not until the water came,filling up their tonsil's with bridges of water.
Covering their nose,until they couldn't breathe.

It only was a moment's noticed,until everything was SILENT.
Her parent's and her little brother were GONE.
And there was nothing she would've done but stare.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not fully DONE with the pro lounge,but i am hoping i get a lot of comment's
for it!